Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Claire was by my side immediately, taking notice of the new top and my lack of hoodie. "What happened, why are you sweaty, are you ok, did he do anything to you?" Claire asked. I pulled the tank down a bit before sighing.

"I'm fine, he asked me to dance, we did, that's why I'm sweaty and he didn't do anything but dance with me and let me switch tops." I murmured as I lay back down on the bed. I snuggled into the pillow and fell asleep again, the dancing having tired me out.

When I woke up again, the girls were shouting at someone presumably outside the door, "We're here! Help us! We're in here!" As they bang on the door, someone else starts talking with the man.

"Dennis, what is this? How many are there?" The man starts trying to stop her as she unlocks the door. The girls move away in horror as it swings open. It's the man but he's dressed in a skirt and burgundy turtleneck. She? stands in front of us for a moment before trying to reassure us. "Don't worry. I'll talk to him. He listens to me." Sighing she? says, "He's not well. He knows what you're here for. He's not allowed to touch you. He knows that." She shakes her head as she looks us over again before leaving.

The girls stand there for a moment before sitting down again. Sitting up I sigh and run my hands through my hair. So our kidnapper has DID. That could explain a lot. Trying to remember what I learned from the books I borrowed. If I get any more time alone I might ask only if my anxiety doesn't get in the way.

Casey decided that she would go to sleep now and I moved off the bed and moved into the spotless bathroom. Looking around as I close the door I notice the floor. I grimace as I do my business, hoping that he'll have cleaning products around. I finally emerged from the bathroom with a disgusted face to the others huddled together and Dennis closing the door. He walked past me, shoulders brushing into the recently empty room with a bucketful of cleaning supplies. "Y- No. Please, keep you're area neat. The bathroom is unacceptable. Make it easy I've color-coded these. Use the blue bottle f-for the floor and the pink bottle for the ceramic surfaces." Holding up each bottle when mention, he moved into the corner and held out the bucket.

I moved to take it when he shook his head and gestured for me to stand over by the door. I moved out of the way and watched as Casey took it and all of the girls went and kneeled in the bathroom. "Patricia had reminded me that I was sent to get you for a reason. That you're sacred food and I promise not to bother you again." He stands for a moment before turning and opening the door allowing me to duck before grabbing my wrist and locking the door. He walks past the racks of clothes and unlocks the other door before dragging me to another room that looked like it belonged to a child.

"Hedwig wanted a friend to talk to so I promised I would bring him one. Just wait in here until I come to get you, ok?" He muttered as I nodded and sat on the bed. He left, closing the door and locking it. I looked around before taking note of the hamster. I smiled as I opened the tank to hold it, placing my hand inside and watching it sniff it. I wrapped my hand gently around it, lifting it to my chest and cradling it there. I stood there for a while before I heard someone outside the door messing around with keys. I set the hamster down and put the top back as the door swung round. Dennis walked in and immediately walked to the drawers I was stood beside. He pulled out a navy blue and yellow tracksuit. He turned around and smacked into my chest, almost falling had I not wrapped my arms around him. "Oh wow, you're really tall mister." Exclaimed, who I presumed to be, Hedwig.

I smiled and nodded letting him go. "Yeah, I am, but you're pretty tall yourself. You're Hedwig, right?" I questioned as he hurriedly pulled on the clothes he'd picked up. Nodding at me he looked back up and smiled.

"I heard that you were going to play with me, is that right? 'Cause we can draw together or dance if you want to." He struggled with the zipper on his jacket while he spoke excitedly which had me reaching down, placing my hands over his and helping to show him how it was done. He grinned at me and walked over to the door, closing it and pulling out some paper from behind it. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the desk that was in the centre of the room next to a picture of a closed window was.

"Is that your window, Hedwig? It's really nice." I ask as I help get down a box of pencils. Nodding he pulled out a normal pencil and gave it too me before pulling out another for himself.

"Hey, why's your voice so weird? I haven't heard anybody who has does that funny thing with their voice before." He asks as he starts drawing on his piece of paper.

"My accent? It's because I come from England. I lived there for a long time before I came here." I said as I start drawing an owl, a rosemary and a piece of cloth. He nodded before going back to his drawing. For around twenty minutes we chatted and drew, occasionally stopping to laugh at a joke or go to the toilet. When he finally told me he had to leave, I had completed the rosemary and the cloth and was almost finished coloring the owl.

"I have to go now. Mister Dennis needs to do something and it's not my turn anymore." He said before running off and closing the door    

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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