{66} Insanity {A.E}

Start from the beginning

Draco grabbed onto my hand and led me through the dark house, before stopping in front of a desk. He pulled out a piece of paper and jotted something down. Then he shoved it into my face.

'When I apparated, I was holding onto your head. I was trying to fool them into thinking I was going to kiss you. When we apparated, something must've happened, because both of your ears are bleeding."

I looked up at Draco to see his stormy eyes filled with tears. I set the paper down and cupped his face, shaking my head slowly while keeping eye contact. 'It's not your fault.'
When he started to talk, I looked down at his mouth.

'Yes it is. If I never apparated you could still hear, and I never would've messed this up-' I couldn't tell what he was saying because it was all too fast. So I slammed my lips against his.

It was all so heated, and I never wanted it to stop. My fingers were tangled in his hair and I tugged, making his mouth vibrate against mine. That means he moaned, right? I don't know, because I can't fucking hear.

His hands gripped my hips roughly, his fingers rubbing against the bone. And then I was pressed against a wall and lifted up off the floor. My legs wrapped around his torso, and his lips moved from mine, to my neck. He trailed kisses all over, up as far as under my ear, and down to my collarbone.

As quick as it started, it ended, and he pulled me from the wall and set me on the ground, his eyes watching the door ever so carefully. I didn't dare speak, even if I was deaf, I know better then that. Instead, I leaned forward and sucked on his own neck.

Draco shifted uncomfortably under me, his hands quickly grabbing into my waist. I know it felt good, because his grip was so tight.

I left hickies all over his neck, until he forcefully shoved me away and grabbed my hand. We ran into another room, just as the floor beneath me shook. 'The door.' I breathed.

Draco looked at me in surprise, just as men ran into the room we were in, guns in their hands. They took one look at me, and smirked. 'Your girl.' One said. 'She's bleeding from her ears.'

My hand vibrated, making my head snap over towards him. He was yelling. But it was all too fast, I couldn't read his lips.

The floor began to shake, and I looked at the guards in front of us and smiled, before whirling around and pointing my wand at the men trying to sneak up on us. 'Peak-a-boo, I found you.' I forced out, even if I couldn't hear. They can hear. 'Incendio!'

The ground all around them caught on fire, and they screamed in fear, backing up into one another.
I turned to face Draco and the other men, when the house shook again, but this time in a different way. It wasn't footsteps or doors shutting. Something opened.

My head snapped in ever direction as Draco kept yelling at the officers. I saw another man, a gun in his hand, aimed at Draco. He was aiming through the window, which was now open.

I pulled away from Draco's hand and hugged his waist, and apparated us away just as a loud bang sounded.

I don't even know where we landed, but it was really warm, and we were on sand, next to a lake. A boat was docked.

I looked up at Draco and smiled. 'Let's run away together, daddy.'
Draco smiled and placed a sloppy kiss on my lips, took my hands, and led me towards the dock.

We had just gotten onto the boat, when I felt the dock shake. I looked up to see officers, running towards us. I held up my wand and let out a cackle. 'Nu Uh Uh! Crucio!'
Each person fell to the ground, screaming in agony. Their screams filled my ears. I could hear the waves of the lake, I could hear Draco laughing from behind me.

Keeping my wand pointed at them, I turned around and looked at Draco, who was still cackling. "Daddy, don't laugh at someone's pain." I whispered.

His face contorted with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint, before he rushed forward and hugged me. His hands gripped my bum, my arms curling around him.

We were happy, until the boat shook and hands gripped my torso.

I whirled around with a scream, and punched the woman in the jaw, "Why can't you guys let us have a happy moment for one fucking second!" I shouted angrily. "I can hear my daddy's voice! And you guys want to arrest me! What the dick?!"

Draco placed his hand on my shoulder, and pointed his wand at them. "Avada Kedavra."

They all shot backwards into the lake, lifeless.

"Princess." He breathed. "Let's go somewhere far from here and start a family."

"I kinda just wanna kill some more people." I grumbled, turning around to face him. "People don't understand us."

"Princess." His voice deepened, and he cupped my chin. "You are psychotic. I'm insane. We only need each other."


"Listen. To. Daddy." He growled, tugging me towards him. "You only need me."

"They took away my hearing!" I shouted into his face. "I literally had to guess if you were moaning when we were making out!"

He got into my own face and smiled evilly. He brought his mouth to my ear, and made the sound that I missed.

Then he leaned away and kissed me softly. When we pulled away, he only needed to say one thing. "Let's drive this boat far away, go down into the small bedroom, and let me hear you make that noise too."
He bit his bottom lip, making my want to fidget around. "I haven't heard it in a long time, babygirl.

"Anything for you, my prince." I breathed.

And they lived psychotically ever after.

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