~Can I be the one?~

Start from the beginning

"I found it in one of the boxes. Those with the books." He smiled at me but still I didn't want to turn my head at his direction. "Clarke, you have way too many books!", his smile still on his face. But after a moment, it faded and his gaze fell on the floor, he started to play nervously with his fingers.

"Look, I wanted to put them all out, this was on top and-"

"And you just grabbed it and started reading it without my permission." I interrupted him, now looking at him.


"Oh don't give me that puppy-eyes look. Not this time."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I was just so curious about the way you're seeing me."

"Who told you that these are for you?" A smirk appeared on my lips.

"What?", he said, confused. "Of course they are for me. Who else that could be? This handsome man with the rare beautiful smile?"

I rolled my eyes giggling. "I'll only let my children to read it someday. No one else."

"And what about their father?"

"What?" I almost choked.

"Won't you let him read it? Cause I know that he would love to.", his voice calm as he came closer to me.

"And how do you know that?" I smiled at him and felt slightly my blood running on my cheeks.
There it is again. The most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

His eyes travels on my face as his palm came up to cup the side of it. "I just know."

~•End of the flashback•~


"Heyy! Where are you?!" Her voice was louder than I expected the moment I pressed the green button of my phone. Loud music and people cheering, echoing to my ear.

"I'm late, I know." I said applying mascara on my lashes. "I just fell asleep, I'm on my way, I promise!"

"You're coming, right?!"

"Yes, yes I'm coming.", my fingers started shaking. "Shit.", I said as the brush fell off of my hand and landed in the sink.


"Nothing! It's all okay, I said I'm co-"

"Emilia?! Is that you?!" My eyes became wide as I heard his voice. "Hello?!"

"Yeah! Yes, I am. Where's Nath?"

"Oh oh, slow down, Clarke. I got it. I'm not allowed for a talk anymore. Okay." I heard his laughter and his face popped up in my mind, as if he was here. I felt my blood warming my cheeks and a smile appeared on my face.
My answer never came as my throat had dried up and I blushed even more cause the awkward moment grew.

"Give me my phone back, Harington!" I let a breath to escape then from my lips as I heard Nathalie's voice again, relieved. "I'm sorry about that girl, Kit's in a very good mood today."

I laughed loudly. "Is he drunk again?"

"Not yet. But soon he will be if you won't come here now! I swear, I won't carry him!"

"Okay, okay! See you in ten!", and by that I hung up the phone, heading to the door of my room.


The sky was already dark when I came out. The cold's rising, even though it's June and technically, summer. But, no matter what the season is, Belfast was always this way. And I always was in love with that.

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