Chapter 7 - In a Lonely Place

Start from the beginning

Valentina took a picture of everything with her phone. "We need to get Sheriff Keller and then we need to get Polly."

From 1.06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!: In Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Betty and Bash looked into Polly's room, but the window was shattered, with blood on it, and she was nowhere to be seen.

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Jughead's Dream

Day - Thornhill Mansion - Dining Room

(Song) Lambs in Clover - Jack Strachey

Jughead was dreaming about a perfect '50s esque life and dinner with the gang at Thornhill, where they were all sitting around the table, sitting between Valentina and KP. Archie was sitting on the other side of KP. Jessica, Veronica, Bash, Betty and Kevin were sitting across from them. Kevin and Cheryl were sitting at the heads of the table. Waiters were setting out food. Polly and Jason walked in, hand in hand.

Jughead: (voice over) "What makes a place feel like home? Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealized, make believe version of the American Dream? Is it love and acceptance? Or is it simple safety?"

Betty and Bash were holding hands, smiling.

KP and Archie smiled, kissing.

Jessica and Veronica smiled, sharing a brief, passionate kiss.

Jughead watched as Valentina was getting along well with Cheryl and Jason, the three siblings smiling. Valentina laughed, turning to hand a carving knife to Jughead, giving him a hug. Jughead stood to cut the dinner, but stopped when he saw FP in the next room, sitting in a chair, watching TV and drinking beer. He looked down, seeing that the carving knife had disappeared from his hand.

(End of Song)

KP stood, looking at her brother. "Juggy. Why'd you stab me in the back?"

KP turned around, revealing that the carving knife was now impaled in her back.

Jughead looked around in complete confusion, uncomfortable now, weirded out.


Day One

Morning - Riverdale High School - Staircase

Jughead was woken up by his alarm. He was sleeping underneath the stairs at school.

Jughead: (voice over) "Or it's none of those things."

Jughead checked the time, seeing it was 5:30 AM, almost time for school, giving him enough time to shower and get ready.

Jughead: (voice over) "And it's a place where the captain of the football team is murdered. Or maybe it's just a forgotten closet under a well-trod staircase."



Jughead walked out from underneath the stairs, looking around the dark and deserted hall of the school.

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