The Start

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I walked into the classroom with dark circles and messed up hair put up in a bun. I sat down in my chair and dropped my head on the desk not caring about the pain it gave me. I rested my head on my arms and began to sleep. Until a big shove woke me up.

"Yah!! Y/n!! Wake up! Your in school!" My best friend, Wonpil, said while putting his arms on his hips and forming a pouty face.

"I've been studying for 1 class all night!" He looks at me confused.

"What do you mean by 'study' you're a honor roll student!" I sigh wanting quite, I'm already a mess with the hair and glasses. "I have a B and my mom flipped okay?" He laughed, "Let me guess? PE! BAHAHA DID U TRY 'RUNNING' YOUR TREADMILL BUT IMMEDIATELY STOPPED AFTER 5 MINS BAHHA" I looked the other way in shame. He pats my head, "Hey no need to worry that mile was hard, man Sungjin failed it too." I smiled and at the thought, "Really? Shucks." I said the bell rang and the teacher came in, Wonpil didn't noticed, and got yelled at being embarrassed sat down in front of me. He looked behind at me and smiled with a wink,

my heart all of a sudden started to best fast...

in love with you (day6 x reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt