katsuki and mydoria x reader[she's mine not yours]

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(Your a kid here)
"Villian [y/n] hide" my  mom yells at me  and puts me  under her and dad's bed "ok [y/n] a brave girl and don't make a sound" my  dad whispers to me I  nod telling them that I  understand the villian entered the room and killed both of my  parents I  run out from under  the bed holding my  dog pointed at the man and yelled "your a bad man a bad bad man" he then reached for me but I  got away and ran out of the house and kept running one of the villains tried to chase after me but I  developed my  quirks speed/tail/vision and as I'm  running I  say "I can't trust anyone never ever I will never I just cant" (or so you think)
                        ~days later~
I see two boys at a playground and I  decide to go mess with them the boy with ashblond hair pushed the boy with green (everyone's lovable walking broccoli) hair down and yells "listen mydoria  I'm stronger than you and no matter what you do I will always be better than you you quirkless idiot" with me  silently mocking him and making funny faces behind him causing midoria to laugh and say "kacchan" katsuki looks behind him but  I  used I  speed before he did and then I  climbed up a tree then katsuki yelled "what are you laughing at deku you think this is a joke" then I  hung upside down on a branch with my  tail and took mydorias and katsuki's lunch "hey give that back" they both yell "who's gonna make me" I  yell back at them as I  stick my toungh out at them "give it back now you villain" mydoria yells back after he said that I got down gave them there lunch and said "sorry I'm not a villian" then I  ran off to the allyway where my  dog max was waiting for me  "woof wuf" max barks then licks me "aww I love you to max yes I do" I  tell him
(Sorry if you don't like dogs just pretend)
                   Time skip to night

"Grr" max growls "what is it boy" I  say a little bit scared "there it is there's the stray" a random guy says then one guy catches max with a dog net I  jump on the man's arm and start punching him and yell "no don't take max he's not yours to take he's all I got" the man throws me off of his arm and I  land on the concrete ground scraping my elbow and parts of my face I try to use my speed but right at the curve I  twist my  ankle and say "ow don't worry max I'll get you away from those mean people" I  try to run again and again but failed and got more scrapes each time I  finally gave up and fell asleep in front of a house the word on the mailbox started with m (I bet you can guess who's house this is) and that's all I  could remember when I woke up I was on a bed and there was two familiar faces looking at me "are you ok you look hurt pretty bad" mydoria asks "of course she is deku" katsuki says then a woman with green hair sets some pancakes by in front of me but I  turned to the window and tried to use my  vision quirk to see where max was but it was to fuzzy I  couldn't see where he was "dang it maybe my quirk work better outside" I  thought then jumped off the bed when I  landed I was  up for a second but fell down because of my  twisted ankle and said "ow" mydoria helped me up and said "woah take it easy we're gonna have to help you get around with that twisted ankle of yours" then katsuki smirked and said "yeah your ours until you get better" I   stood up and said "hey I don't need anyone's help I never had I never will and I'm 100% not yours" then I   fell back but katsuki cought me and mydoria said "see you do need our help" I  cross my arms and said "hmph fine I guess I'll let yall help me" then I  tell mydoria to get the lady that that I was. guessing was his mom and she said "yes little one" I  smile because she was treating me like I was her own child then ask "um last night my dog was taken away he is my best friend can I please go look for him his name is max and he's probably worried about me can I can I I'm strong enough I can go beyond plus ultra" she smiles at me and says "ok you can go but you have to bring mydoria and katsuki with you" I  cross my  arms again then say "err fine I will" when I got outside I  use my vision quirk and say "he's in a black house not to far um in a cage in the corner" "wow how did you do that" mydoria says with excitement then I  respond "well that's one of three of my quirks that was vision then I also have speed and tail there not the best quirks but they can be pretty useful at times" when we got to the building and got max on the way back to mydorias katsuki and mydoria started to argue which was getting me mad and giving me a headache I was riding on my  dog because I was really tired and max can grow any size so I  could ride him no matter what age I am he also can heal me and his self easily and my  mom gave him to me to protect me no matter what he also ages like me I  turned and faced the boys and yelled "hey stop fighting right now your given me a headache" katsuki gave me a mad look but before he could say anything I  turned away from them and said "katsuki don't even try anything I may be hurt but I can still slap you across the head before you can say plus ultra" the rest of the way quiet and when we got there max healed me  and I could walk again "you know you can stay if you want" mydoria says sadly because I'm  leaving I smile at them and say "nah I'm of a outside adventure type person" they look down sad and I  didn't want them to be sad so i. immediately said "B-but I will come visit yall everyday" they look up smile and yell in excitement "yay" and I  did visit them each day as I said I would  plus someone had to keep them from fighting I  thought well until they didn't have time to do stuff with me 

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