Chapter 2 - The romance is on...

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The next day, 5 am

Dianne's POV

I can't sleep, I'm just so overwhelmed about yesterday. Me and Joe had a great day together, in history we worked really well together AND had fun at the same time! Mrs Burket said that I was a really good influence on Joe and that we should stick together. I hope she's right because I really like Joe, and he invited me to come over to his house today. I am really exited and am hoping that it'll be fun, I am thinking of ideas for us to do in my note book. I made it myself.

I also decorated inside, but there is too many pages

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I also decorated inside, but there is too many pages. I wrote down the ideas.

. Drawing/crafts

. Watch a movie

.History notes 

.Truth or dare

. Never have I ever

That's all, I hope I'm not too boring for him... I can be very shy but I can be fun if I'm with the right people. I smile to myself, I dreamt all of that, well the thinking, not the list. It's 6am now, it's good because my jet lag was over yesterday. I want to look good today, I get right up and go into the bathroom down the hall, I brush my teeth for 4 minutes today so my teeth look really white. Then I go into the shower and wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner, then use my really nice smelling body soap, mango and apple mmmm. When I get out I dry my hair and brush it and get changed, putting on my best bra, knickers and tights. Then style my hair into a half-up half-down style bun (Which took like 10 minutes, I am terrible at styling hair.), I smile in the mirror, then put on some light pink lipstick and a smokey eye with mascara, eyeliner and foundation to match my skin-tone. I looked. Nice. No pretty. I was so happy, I really hope today will be like the second half of yesterday and that when I go to Joe's it'll be good. I check the time on the clock, 7:30, I decide to go have some breakfast. My dad isn't up yet so I pore a bowl of two British wetobiskits and pore some milk in, whole milk! Yess! I get a cup of tea too! Very British, and have my breakfast then go off to brush my teeth again for 5 minutes this time because I have some spare time. I go grab my bag I packed the night before and my dance bag, I stuff my coat and umbrella into my dance bag because my dad told me that it was going to rain sometime today. I shout to him upstairs as I put my shoes on.

'Bye dad! Have a nice day! Love you!' And I hear him shout back down to my something as I leave the house.

I start to walk to the bus stop just across the road, I look at my watch, 7:55am. I'm early too! Wow, my day's going great! I wait at the bus stop and get my headphones out with my phone and listen to one of my favourite spotify playlists. The bus comes and picks my up, the other people at my stop missed it. On the bus I get out my reading book, 'The fault in our stars' by John Green, I get to a really good chapter and finish it. Then I get off the bus and head to the science block to the seats out side. Hardly anyone is at school yet apart from my bus so I head to the cleanest bench and start to read my book whilst drinking my water. I finish the book and have nothing to do, so I head to the girls toilets and perfect my hair. When I get back to the seats, they are all full... 

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