New Beginnings

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Malia's P.O.V

"Mum, how comes Maila gets the bigger room?!" My older sister, Veronica whined. I know, she's older yet moaning about every little thing! Plus, my room was literally 5cm bigger then hers.                                                                         

"Oh Mija, don't worry. I tell you what, why don't you and your sister go down to Pop's? You know, the diner we passed earlier? You can get anything you want..." my mother, Hermoine Lodge, told her. She simply stood up and put on her black jacket, but I could tell she was excited. And, secretly, so was I. I mean, a new town, new house, new school, new friends- if I make any. Veronica is the type of girl who easily makes friends: she's popular. But me? Well let's just say I struggle with that type of thing.

As we arrived at the diner, we were greeted by a cheerful old man with a badge reading 'Pop'. I guessed he was the owner, but the place was surprisingly empty for a nice owner's place. Only one booth was filled, by a handsome red haired boy and a pretty blonde girl; they both looked around my age. Veronica being Veronica marched right up to them and said, "Are the onion rings any good here?" Classy bitch (not).

In awe, the red-head replied, "Sure, they're ok I guess.." But the blonde looked hurt. I realized what my sister had done and apologized to them both and tried to pull Veronica away. "Are you new here? I've never seen you beauties before" the boy exclaimed as he grabbed my arm to pull me back towards them.       "Yes, we are. But we really-" I was rudely interrupted when the girl spoke up. 

"I'm showing you around school tomorrow" she almost whispered to Veronica. 

"And me?" I asked hopefully: she seemed nice enough. 

"No, that's my job......Malia Lodge?" The boy said, holding out his hand. "Archie, Archie Andrews"                                                                                                               "Nice to meet you, Archie and..." I looked expectantly at the blonde, my heart racing. Archie was still holding my hand!                                                                               "Betty Cooper."

And that was how our Riverdale life of love, friendship, mystery and horror began.........

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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