«chapter six»

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Niall woke in a rush the next morning. He didn't really need to rush, but he remembered that he had a date with Ares today, so he rushed to get ready out of excitement. He texted Liam his newly memorized address and rushed off into the shower.

When he got out, he decided to wear the tightest black skinny jeans in all of humanity. He had no idea why his mother had sent them, but he didn't question because they made his legs look amazing. He then decided to wear a white shirt and a flannel with the sleeves cut off. He was proud of how he looked, so he headed to the bathroom to do the necessary things and fix his hair.

Once he was satisfied with the puffy blonde mess that was on top of his head, he grabbed his phone and waited in the living area for Liam. He had a text on his phone saying that he was on his way; it was sent about ten minutes ago. Niall had no idea where Liam lived, so he waited patiently.

He missed the brunette, as pathetic as that was. He had stayed away from his dreams that night. He wanted the boy to begin sleeping peacefully again, no matter how much it effected him.

A knock on his door interupted his thoughts. His only thought at that moment was Liam. Niall raced over to door and checked his appearance in the mirror beside it, making sure his hair still looked perfect and his teeth were clean. Once he was again proud with his look, he opened the door and smiled brightly at the boy behind it.

"Hi," Niall smiled shyly, looking over how gorgeous Liam looked. He looked amazing in his white tank top and black skinny jeans, a red flannel tied around his waist. "We match!" Niall giggled.

"That we do," Liam laughed, looking over Niall once more. "Are you ready?"

"I've been ready! Where are we going first?" Niall sheepishly took Liam's hand in both of his, sliding his fingers over his rough hand. Finally, as he was satisified that he had caressed his entire hand, Niall slid his fingers between Liam's and dropped their hands.

"I think we can go to the London Eye. Are you afraid of heights?"

"Not even a little bit. 'd like to see the city of anyway I can." Niall couldn't stop giggling. He sounded like an American school girl, but he couldn't help it. Liam made him blush and giggle like no other. Is this what love makes people feel like?

"Well then, we'll see it through a small glass tube. We better hurry if we want to get there before the crowds. Sorry, love," Liam apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" Niall asked. "You're taking me around London today, I think this is wonderful!"

Liam gave a huge smile at Niall's excitement. "You're right. It is wonderful. I get to spend a whole day with you."

"You're cheesy," Niall grinned. "Now let's get going!"


Apollo wandered around London, looking through the city himself. He hadn't wanted a guide of any sort, although he thought it could have been useful. He was as predictable as the sun. He hated being guided by anyone other than himself.

He found himself in one of those pubs. Unlike Eros, Apollo knew a bit more about the mortal world. He spent more time here. He ordered himself some sort of alcoholic drink and sat down at the bar. He wasn't aware of the presence beside him until someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Hi!'' A petite boy exclaimed as Harry turned. He was small, that was for sure, and his voice was high. His hair was long and slightly feminine, but his tattoos were anything but. It was the eyes that had Harry saying a gruff "Hello," back. They were bright blue and clear as the ocean on a calm day. He was beautiful.

"I'm Louis," the pretty boy, now named Louis, said softly. "What's your name?"

"Didn't anyone teach you not to speak to strangers, Louis?" Harry chuckled. he looked at the taken aback expression on the boy's face. "But I'm Harry, to answer your question."

"Harry. That's a lovely name. Are you new to london? You don't sound as if you're from around here." Louis bit his lip. For a brief moment, Harry wanted to be the one to bite those lips. Then he remembered that was probably Himeros, the god of sexual desire, playing with his mind. He was probably off laughing somewhere about it.

"You could say I'm a bit new," Harry laughed again. "I've been in Greece for a while," More like two thousand years, but a while was an accurate description to a mortal, "So I guess I've picked up a bit of an accent."

"Greece, right." Louis looked a bit puzzled. "Would you like to come to lunch with me?" Now it was probably Niall, laughing where ever he was. He was probably making Apollo's heart beat rapidly on purpose. Making him fall in love with a mortal he shouldn't even know.

"Where would we go exactly? I haven't really been around here; I don't know much," Harry explained.

"Considering you've been in Greece,I know a great Greek place not far from here. Would you be willing to walk with me?" Louis asked sheepishly. He really didn't want Harry to deny him, but what was he to do if he did?

"Hmm, Greek food," Harry considered. having some food from the homeland would be pretty good right about now. "Why the hell not? Lead the way, my prince." Louis blushed at the comment and as Harry helped him off the too tall bar stool.

"I'm really short," Louis giggled a bit. Harry thought he could listen to that sound for ages.

"I'm really tall," he pointed out. "I think we even each other out quite nicely."

Louis gave him a huge smile. "Yeah, I think we do."


sorry about the dreadful ending

my laptop is making scary noises and it's dark and i'm lonely :(

oh well, there's nothing i can do

i should really be studying; i've got two quizzes tomorrow lol

well, gimme your thoughts!

and any other random comments

1050 words


to find you « niamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora