Danny Phantom

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A/U: After the disasteroid, except they don't find out about Danny being Phantom after it. Vlad doesn't know Danny has powers and Danny just meets Vlad, who doesn't have powers.

I sigh and make my way to my first class. After the disasteroid incident ghost became easier to handle, we have an agreement that so long as they don't bother me too often I'll let them try to take over or whatever. Once I was able to have a more normal schedule I brought my grades up and still had time to date Sam. Everything was going great...until mom and dad found out about Phantom.

They caught me one night and took me down to the lab. I was poked prodded and tortured until I couldn't hold my other form anymore and changed back in front of them. They were surprised, then angry, and even when they knrw it was me they continued experimenting on me. I of course didn't tell anyone because I was offically scared out of my wits.

But I did start acting stranger I suppose. I stopped talking to Jazz, began avoiding Sam and Tucker because I didn't want them to know, and my grades actually dropped lower than they were. Surprisingly Dash stopped picking on me. He saw some of the cuts and marks that came from my parents one day and just dropped me and walked off with a weird look on his face.

Anyway I walk into Lancers class and sit in the back corner. I see Sam and Tuck come in but put my head down to avoid them. Then Dash loudlyales and entrance and I flinsh when he sits in front of me. "Hey, Fentonio, didn't think you'd make it into this grade, your grades are worse than mine." I hear a couple of the jocks laugh and give a weak shrug. "N-not sure how I got in either. Just lucky I-I guess." I murmur. He gives that weird look again and spins around to listen to Lancer. "Okay, class. Just so you know we will be have an educational field trip. Since this is a new phycology course we'll be using special equipment to enter a students brain. These materials were donated by the guys in white and we'll be doing this experiment at the end of this month." Everyone seems rather excited except for me. I'm sure I'll end up being the guinea pig for this...and I don't want to let others inside my head. "Also, we'll have the mayor along as he was the one to donate the money for this course." A tall man in a suit walks in. He has silver-grey hair in a pony tail and facial hair the same color. I blink at him and he smiles at the class. "So kind of you to allow me on this journey with you all."

I put my head back down and zone out until I hear more excited words and glance up. "The candidate we'll be enterings mind is...Mr. Fenton." My head shoots up and I see a dlip of paper in his hand. A chorus of boo's are heard and I sigh and sink into my seat, hiding behind my hood. "Now, now, young ones. That's no way to treat a fellow student." I hear the mayor hay but continue just looking at my hands. They go on to talk about something else and I just stare off into space wonder what those two have planned for me this evening.

The bell finally rings and everyone files out. I go about the day and trudge home to them waiting with wicked smiles. "Good, your here. Let's go, we have a lot to do before Jazzy pants gets home tomorrow." My eyes widen and I flinch when the collar comes around my neck. "Let's see what disecting him does today." Jack says and I try to take shakey breathes. After thirty minutes of them cutting and ripping my chest open I watch them poke and prod at my insides. I finally can't take it and squeeze my eyes closed begging that someone would save me.

At that exact moment I hear someone upstairs. "Mom, Dad, Danny? I'm home early, where are you guys?" She asks while opening the lab door and Maddie yells up the stairs. "We'll be up in just a minute sweetie. We spilt some chemicals down here so don't come down." She replies with an okay and her footsteps fade. "Close him up and staple the wound he could change back and bleed out if not." She says and Jack does as told. She comes over and kisses my forehead. "You'll sleep down here tonight so you don't reopen your wounds. I also want to try this new serum I made." She injects me with some pink liquid and I immediately begin to burn. They turn the lights off and leave me there. I don't know what the mess she put in me is supposed to do but it hurts. Eventually the burning is running through my whole body and then I feel myself going numb. I take shallow breathes and feel fear begin to tickle into me. I finally manage to fall into unconciousness, after feeling numb for a couple of hours.

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