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"yaaah Ms. Marshall! your grades are getting lower!"

The teacher yelled as everyone's eyes was focused on me, i wasn't focused since I was chewing my bubblegum and Plugging my Earphones.

"ms. Marshall, listen-- if you keep doing this nonsense behavior of yours, I'll hire a tutor for you--"

"oh Please, they will Probably just Flirt with me like the last one" I cutted her off, making her more triggered. She balled her fist as she tries to calm down, as I see her viens in her neck.

"Detention for you!!" she spat and bang the stick on the table, everyone flinched except me of course.

The bell ringed and I got my stuff and placed my bubblegum at the bottom of the table, not caring about Mrs. Browns yellings again.

I walked through the hallway while People gives me those annoying stares, as I went to my locker I met my ex-best Friend, Mae. That plastic b*tch

I put all my stuff in my locker and closed it, wrapping another bubblegum and threw the wrapper somewhere I don't care..

"oh my gosh, here's the slut again"

I looked to see who said that, and yes. It was Mae, maegly. I just ignored her and went to the cafeteria too meet my new best friends who are also a gangsters-- and probably hates Mae too..

"Guys! It's sage" I heard Penelope said from afar, this girl is too loud.

"Yoww wussup sage" a raspy voice, a girl named Stephanie--which we call her steph for short

And last is non other than Luna, she Just smiled at me. She's very quiet so we don't bother, I just smiled back too and sit with them.

"I ordered food for you, cause I'm a good best friend" Penelope said, she always starts our conversation

Because she's the noisiest, but! She can be the most cheerful Pabo to the most coldest Person in the world

"Thanks" I said shortly while eating calmly, same with Luna. While these two eat like pigs but they never get fat, unfair right?!

Jeongyeon as Stephanie miller

Hirai momo as Penelope hearts

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Hirai momo as Penelope hearts

Hirai momo as Penelope hearts

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Myoui mina as Luna stars

And laslty me, sage marshall

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And laslty me, sage marshall.

Everyone calls us freaks, because of Mae spreading some fake ass news but guess what? We spread real news

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Everyone calls us freaks, because of Mae spreading some fake ass news but guess what? We spread real news.

"so Penelope, have you dated that ugly dude?" asked Stephanie while still chewing her food,

"Ew no, I would rather die rather than giving my sexy body to him .-."

"I said date not giving your body to him, JEEZ -, -" Stephanie said emphasizing the word 'date'

"would you both shut up? Thanks"

We all suddenly looked at luna--who has been doing her introduction for her debate or whatever.

Both of the girls rolled their Eyes and crossed their arms

"its your fault anyways"

"it's always my fault, but its actually yours!"

"so what?"

I looked at Luna who was still peacefully making whatever she's making, but not until Mae came and spilled milk over her laptop.

Everyone was beyond shock--except for the three of us ya know? When luna works, you do not wanna mess with her.

" freaks, begun and die!" Mae cursed and luna just... Just looks so calm.

Mae was about to spill another milk on luna but in a Blink of an eye luna stole the milk and pour it everywhere on her. Even her shoes!

"kyaaah! This is my favorite shirt!" she shouted wiping her tears and running away, with just a glare from luna everyone came back to Their business..

"sorry luna, we didn't save your com--"

"it's ok, I have the USB here and I can buy I new one!"

We all just nodded and went to our Respective class'


These are just fanfics so the story is just probably made up and not real! Don't go overboard.


Bad at ancient stuff author

Contains curses and mature content

Thankeuuu ♥

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