It wasn't a very long walk from there, since the town was quite small. It was sad, really.

He wanted to help them as much as he could.


It has been days since she met the prince. When she thought about it, back then, she have always thought about Royalty, so now that she has gone to meet, and actually attempt to kill one, she could say it was something she couldn't forget. Unforgettable.

A knock was suddenly heard from Hyatt's door. It was Yee, a girl younger than her, bringing her a tray of food. She smiled awkwardly at Hyatt. "I brought you food..."

Hyatt smiled at the kid, sitting up on her creaking bed and allowed some space for Yee. "Thanks. I haven't talked to you since they grounded me in my room."

She shrugged, "Angelo was kind enough to have me send you your meal." She suddenly fidgeted her fingers. "Actually, it was my share of food because the Chief said we're not supposed to give you food anymore..."

Hyatt sighed. Of course, after that portrayal of bond with the prince was traitorous to the Crowns, worse that Xenon, a loyal member, had to see that.

"Thank you, Yee." She ruffled her hair and grinned. "Let's share some food while I tell you a thing I saw at the town near the kingdom."

She loved telling stories about the cities outside theirs to the younger ones who were willing to listen. Yee was one of them, and she excitedly nodded until the door banged open, the two flinching from it.

It was Angelo. "Yee, get out of here and do everyone's laundry. Hyatt, you're about to go do some errands for the Chief in 5 minutes." He irritatingly said, then walked out of the door.

5 minutes. "5 minutes is easy, who the fuck does he think he's talking to?" She grinned at Yee, who was terrified. "Let's quickly eat this and head out together."


Hyatt stood up and picked up the tray, walking to the door and held it open for Yee. "Let's go now, Yee."

Yee nodded and left to do her chores while Hyatt dropped the tray off on the wooden sink, and then headed back to the room for her to change. But just before she closed the door, a hand held the knob and prevented it from closing

Hyatt sighed, looking over at the person. "What do you want, Xenon?"

"I just want you to take care. The Chief might put you into danger now that you've grinded his gears." Xenon pulled her into a hug, but Hyatt couldn't feel the same warmth the prince had given her.

Nevertheless, she hugged him back. "Thanks. I won't die, not now, at least." She grinned, then closed the door shut and got herself ready.

Stepping out of her room, she shut the door behind her, and made her way to the chief's office. It was creaky, the wood that supported the office, but it was to be expected. They were that poor, and they needed money for renovations.

"You did not knock." A cold voice spoke up yet she didn't budge. She didn't care anymore. "What has the Prince done to you, Hyatt?"

She frowned, "Leave the prince out of this, Chief."

"I'm going to deal with him later."

"I won't allow you to." Hyatt insisted, being stubborn.

"Let's argue about it later." He sighed, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "For now, I want you to go into town and talk to the Mayor. Tell him that you're getting what I wanted, and he'll know." He smirked, then shooed her away.

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