Alice meets Fate? (Louis Tomlinson)

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A/N: Well Hello everyone! I know I said I would start this story next month,  

But I have no idea what to write on my other story:) So I will be doing Two chapters 

Of this story. So you the readers read what happens:3 Well hope you will like it! (by the way I'm using my phone) if any typos VERY sorry;) 

Well enjoy!!<3XD



Chapter 1:

 Alice P.O.V


Hi my name is Alice Perez, I'm 17 years old I lost my parents in a fire at the mall where we go every saturday when my parents have the day off. I am living strong for me and my sister Emma, Oh yeah I have a sister as you can see her name is Emma she is only three years old. I had to quit school because I couldnt pay for it, and also I work at a shoe's and clothing store I almost gave up on living but I realize that Emma needs to live her life the government wants to put Emma in adoption and me too but we will be separated so I took Emma and we ran away from the town in Monterey California to Los Angeles the apartments are really expensive luckly there was a nice landlord her name was Maria I told her everything and letting me and my sister stay. On one condition it was to help her in her store downtown in a shoe and clothing store. that store changed my life foever and it will also change Emma's life...

ALI! ALI! Ali! me Late! I woke up on the sound of Emma's voice I look up and she was yelling at my face I giggle to her worried face I grab her hand and I tickle her stomach she's laughing like crazy I love to see her smile and I would do anything to keep it that way forever

"Ali I need to go to scoool." she said I smiled and got out our bed and started to change Emma and do her hair we both have blonde hair she reminded me of dad her smile makes me super happy I live for that smile when I get back home from work Maria is there taking care of her which makes me relax for now because I trust her and believe her. I walk Emm to nursey home where they take care of her and teach her touch for school. I still have to pay for it I still owe $134 dollars luckly Maria helps me pay half thats whats great I have a supporter. I drop Emma off give her a kiss in the cheek and tell her I wil be back in about 6 hours she always gives me a big hug because she knows how stress I am and her hug gives me energy that I need to keep on going and I'm proud of her.

"Ok Emma I'll see you 8pm ok make sure if you see me run to me and give me a big great hug because it gives me strength and energy even has a little magic to help me." I said she smiles at me and said, "OTIE ALI!" the women who works there holds Emma's hand and walks inside I waved bye to Emma before leaving and wait until she disappear in the classroom. I start walking to work and I see I was still again very early for work but still gives me a chance to clean up the place in the store so I can pick Emma early today from school I went inside and I saw Maria getting out new shoes from the back and putting it on desplay so people will see them and buy. I loved the shoes here Maria gives me two new pair of shoes every week on Fridays and I was excited for that! Maria knows I cant afford any clothes for myself only for Emma because for kids its cheaper and I wanted her to have the best clothes, I'm so glad Emma is not a spoil brat like other kids well she is only three.

"Good Morning Maria." I smile at her she turn around and smiled at me "Good Morning dear your here early as always. You never surprise me one bit your very trusting and keeping promises, what time do you have to pick up Emma?" she replied "I have to pick her up at 8 or earlier, I promise her I would take her to the library to read." I look at Maria and she was av very nice old elder she smiles all the time which makes me happy don't get me wrong she can be a bitch sometimes if you get in her bad side. I am the only person never been on her bad side she said I have a soft spot for me and my sister she thinks like were like her grand kids which is fine because I need a elder when I feel like I'm in the deep of depression which I never let Emma see I want her to remember me smiling and happy and we could make it.

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