Purple momentarily placed his bag of doughnuts aside to tuck Ilk into the crib. She had an adorable pout in her face. She already showed signs of her father's personality when things didn't go their way.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he'll let you taste one in a few days." Purple assured her.

He caught the scent of cinnamon rolls coming from the kitchen (it was a sort of innate ability: whenever anyone was making pastries, his favorite snacks, he could smell it from miles away, just ask Red), and that was enough to send him into an excited frenzy. He darted out of the room, completely forgetting about the bag of donuts he had placed on the table, right next to the crib.

A few hours later Red hovered into the room, taking some more slurps of his soft drink. When he went over to the basket to check on Ilk, his hold on the drink slipped and it fell to the floor, spilling its contents unto the ground.

The basket was empty, just like the bag of doughnuts next to it.


24 hours remaining...


"I didn't!"


"There were cinnamon rolls involved! Cinnamon rolls!"

Their subordinates shivered when they heard their leaders arguing, and made sure not to get caught into the crossfire.

Red growled in exasperation and went back to searching the kitchen area. If he knew her well, when she got hungry she'd come into the kitchen looking for more doughnuts.

He was worried. It had been almost a whole day and he had no seen her; she had gotten inside the ventilation system and moved throughout the Massive through there, which made it harder to keep track of her. The 'hyperactivity obtained through the sugar in the donuts-thingy' also boosted her speed considerably.

But hey, in the end he couldn't blame Purple for forgetting the bag. Cinnamon rolls were cinnamon rolls, after all.

"My Tallest, here she is!"

Both Red and Purple rushed over to the cook who had cried out; he was pointing at one of the openings of the ventilation system, which had been pushed open by Ilk.

Speaking of Ilk, currently she was inside chewing on a brownie doughnut.

"Hey, sweetie!" Red called for her, holding out a hand for her. "Come to daddy!"

She growled at him to protect her 'treasure' and continued nibbling on it.

"Wow, she really got your temper!" Purple pointed out, munching a cinnamon roll.

"Seriously?! Are you eating now of all times?!"

"Hey, we've been looking for hours and I'm hungry!"

Red glanced at the cinnamon roll Purple was eating. "Somebody pass me a cinnamon roll!" One of the kitchen assistants grabbed the tray and took it closer to the Tallest, who grabbed one and put it in front of the opening as a bait before moving out of sight and motioning the others to do the same.

Soon enough, when Ilk finished her brownie-doughnut she sniffed the air and found the pleasant smell was coming from the mysterious, swirly-looking pastry outside. In less than two seconds she had pounced on it and ate it. Moment Red took advantage of to catch her. 

"Gotcha!" he cried triumphantly, but then Ilk started squirming in his hands like never before, letting savage growls.

"So that's a sugar rush!" Purple said in awe.

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