4 | Girl in New Orleans

Start from the beginning

The men who raided the clinic were still looking for Hayley; and they passed her, not seeing that she was hiding behind a tree. Haley turned around; and climbing up a tree, a habit she had practiced as a child, when hunting. She reached on a high branch. Her bow and arrow was ready to aim. She noticed Hayley below her, running to them, kicking the Man 1 in the gut, making him fall to the ground. Haley shot an arrow to his chest, killing him instantly. She jumped, kicking Man 2 down as well, snapping his neck. Haley noticed Man 3 tried to attack her. Hayley grabbed a knife from his hands, using it to cut his neck, spinning in the air. Man 4 attacked her. Haley shot an arrow to his arm, which Hayley used to grab his handgun using it to push him to the ground, kicking him. Haley let another arrow fly to his head, killing him instantly. Hayley crouched on the ground, letting her eyes glow werewolf-gold, looking for any more threats. A large, burly man approached upon her. Haley noticed Rebekah, but released an arrow into his chest. Rebekah snapped his neck as well. She looked around. "Have to say, I'm impressed." Haley jumped down from the tree. Athena rushed to the girls, raising an eyebrow, seeing arrows, dead men, and a blood covered werewolf, crouched. Hayley turned to see Haley beside Rebekah. "How did you find me?" Hayley asked Rebekah. "Your text got me halfway, Lizzie's phone call, and camp hearing did the rest." Rebekah answered. "Who are they?" She asked. Haley sighed. "Witches, warlocks, whatever. I told Hayley to run, Athena and I tried to hold them off." Haley replied to her question. Rebekah rose an eyebrow, turning to Athena, who nodded. Rebekah noticed more men with flashlights in the distance. "There's more of them." She looked at Hayley. "Run!" Hayley reluctantly started to run away. "Gilbert, aim your arrows." Rebekah spoke, thankful for the Gilbert girl for once. Haley readied her bow, climbing back into the same tree, high enough the witches couldn't get to her. Rebekah turned toward the witches, muttering to herself. "If I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into..." Haley's eyes widen when Rebekah was shot in the heart with two arrows, which temporarily neutralized her. She fell to the ground. Haley narrowed her eyes, starting to fire the arrows. "Athena!" She screamed when she noticed the witches neutralized her with arrows to her chest. Haley continued to fire arrows at the witches, which some were dead by this point. Hayley was shot in the shoulder with an arrow, which seemed to be coated in something that caused her to pass out and fall to the ground. Haley's eyes glowed brighter. She cursed in Italian, shooting arrows, and standing up. For a huntress, she was very light as she climbed higher, and shot more arrows to the witches and warlocks. She heard wolves howling. She sensed two wolves watching her.

The chocolate one who was drawn to Haley watched with a nervous, but wary glance. The black wolf knew Haley was protecting Athena, Hayley and Rebekah. The smaller black wolf was gazing at Hayley's body, but suddenly it disappeared. The wolf blinked its eyes, and hidden further into the shadows. The bigger wolf hid as well, seeing Athena was unconscious, but he knew Haley was there. Selina watched this all unfold; and she was not very happy. She folded her arms. "Damned witches and their witchy tricks." She mumbled, her British accent strong. Selina sighed, turning to the wolves who was watching Haley in the tree.

After a long while. Haley had hopped down beside Rebekah, with her bow behind her back. She had went and picked up every arrow she shot. Rebekah was just waking, Haley pulling the arrows out of her heart. Rebekah groaned, sitting up to see dead bodies of witches, torn apart and ripped to shreds. Most of them also had arrows impaled, whether it was their head or their heart. Rebekah looked around in confusion. "What the hell?" She stood up, with Haley's help. "You tell me. I didn't even know, all I was doing was shooting arrows, and I was high in the tree." She added in, confused and a bit lost. Rebekah nodded, understanding her words. "Thank you." Rebekah spoke. "Just because you helped us, doesn't mean we fully trust you, I, however, trust you a teeny tiny bit." She used her fingers together to empathize how little. Haley smiled. "It's okay, trust is earned, not given." She spoke softly. Rebekah nodded. Both Haley and Rebekah looked around. "Hayley? Hayley!" They both called out, but Hayley was gone. Haley's eyes subconsciously moved to where she had felt a gaze, but the brown wolf was hidden in the trees, relief in his features.

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