Chapter 1-

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(Picture is Yui Shima.)

I felt someone nudge me while I slept. I must of fell asleep when we where on the bus to True Cross Academy.
"Pst~ Yui."
I could tell it was my older brother Renzo trying to wake me up. "Five more minutes?" I asked him.

I heard Renzo sigh, then harsh whispering, then cold water on my head.
I scream julting out of the bus seat and jumping around from the coldness.
I glare at Renzo but he looked way to innocent.
Then I turn to Bon.
"We don't want to be late do we?" He asked and handed me my water bottle which was now empty.
I glare after him, but followed.

I made Renzo give me his school jacket which wasn't easy.
"Stop being a baby and give it to me." I yell at him.
"Its your fault you got wet." Renzo said.
"I'll tell mom you where being mean to me." I threatend.
"Why bring mom into this." Renzo sighed.

I took out my phone and went through my contacts stopping at 'Dad'. I pressed the call button and had it on speaker.
"Let's see what dad has to say, including your change of hair colour." I smirked once Renzo looked freaked out and took off his jacket handing it to me.
"Now hang up before he answers." Renzo said.

I took my phone off speaker and put it to my ear.
"Yui?" Dad said, I smile.
"Hi dad." I said cheerfully.
Renzo looked like he had just died.
"Just wanted to let you know where at True Cross now." I said.
"Ok, stay safe. And tell Renzo not to let Bon out of his sight. Same goes with Koneko."
With that dad hanged up.

"Dad said for yous two to not let Bon out of your sights." I repeated.

"Let's go." Bon said.

We all followed him and ended up at the adoturioum. We all took our seats and waited for the opening ceremony to begin.

When it was over the boys had to go to Cram School, one of the things I'm not doing.
So instead I went to the dorms. A lady was ordering people to which number their dorms where.

"Yui Shima!" She yelled.
"Here!" I called with my hand up.
"Room 635!"
She yelled and threw the keys at me. I caught them and began to climb the stairs. I had to go up all six of them.

"You know you could of used the elevator." A random person said.
"Elevator?" I said in disbelief.
They pointed at it and I groan.
"Why didn't anyone tell me before I climbed six floors?" I whine.

I went to the room 635, opening it I see Bon, Renzo and Koneko.
"Already!" I scream.
They all look at me.
"What are you doing here Yui?" Bon asked me.
I looked at the door.
"I'm in room 635." I said.
"Looks like we got put together." Koneko said.

I walked over to a random bed and collapsed on it.
"What happened to you?" Renzo asked. Sitting on my new bed.
"Six floors." I groan.
"Why didn't you use the elevator?" Bon asked.
"Cause I didn't know there was one." I whine.

"Let's just get settled in, Yui already seemed to pick her bed." Koneko said.
"That's if no one's taken it." I said rolling around and putted my head on Renzos lap.

The boys did their Cram School homework while I read my school books.

Renzo started complaining 10 minutes in, while I threw my book at him. That started a fight between us.
I kinda felt bad for Bon and Koneko because they had to live with us in the same room.

"Would yous cut it out!?" Bon yelled. "Renzo started it." I said pointing at Renzo, who in return glared at me.
"I mean, he's being lazy. If he got off his ass and did something useful in his life then maybe he wouldn't be a failure." I said.

"Says the one in D class." Renzo shot back at me. "That's different." I glared at him. "Oh yeah, how so?" He asked mockingly. "I give it my best. I study, do my work, pay attention yet you don't do anything and get praised like your some kind of king." I glared at him.

Yui ShimaWhere stories live. Discover now