The fun-loving Sagittarius enjoys making and spending money. Considered to be the happiest sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius does not care much where it will earn the following money. They take risks and are very optimistic. They believe that the universe will provide everything they need.

How to Attract the Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius men are fun-loving people and eternal travelers, who are interested in religion, philosophy and the meaning of everything. The man born under the Sagittarius astrology sign loves adventures and sees all the possibilities in life. He wants to explore each and every one of them to determine where is the truth.

Some of the best Sagittarius traits are his frankness, courage, and optimism. He is a restless wanderer, so the best you can do to keep his attention is to share in his quest, appreciate his wisdom and respect his opinions. Some of the negative Sagittarius characteristics include his carelessness and impatience. The Sagittarius man can also be tactless, superficial, and over-confident at times.

He needs freedom and doesn't like clingy women. If you want to seduce him, you will have to learn when to hold on and when to let go. The Sagittarius man is a logical thinker and an enthusiastic listener, who will listen carefully to everything you have to say, before processing the information and coming to his own conclusions.

How to Attract the Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius women are wild, independent, fun, friendly and outgoing. They enjoy expressing themselves in a sexual manner and they are determined to live life to the fullest. A Sagittarius personality is vibrant, inquisitive, and exciting.

The woman born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign is an honest woman, who always speaks her mind and values freedom and independence. If you want to seduce the Sagittarius woman, you should ask her out on a date outdoors. She loves adventures and long conversations. Dating a woman born under the Sagittarius star sign requires an adventurous spirit, because she sees everything as a challenge and can't stand boredom.

However, although she is wild, do not expect her to fall in love with you immediately. Once the Sagittarius woman does fall in love, she will be a loyal and caring partner. If you give her a reason to think a relationship with you is going to be difficult, she will simply walk out the door. The Sagittarius woman usually has multiple love affairs throughout her life, due to the fact that she will not settle for a relationship that makes her unhappy.

In order to date the Sagittarius woman, you will need to possess a free spirit and love of travel. She sees life as one big adventure and expects her partner to be adventurous, spontaneous and romantic.

The History of Sagittarius

The sign of Sagittarius dies not coincide with the constellation of Sagittarius. In the zodiac, this is the sign that takes the ninth 30 degrees of the zodiacal circle. It is a mutable sign that represents the change of seasons from autumn to winter. It is also a sign that comes after Scorpio, representing everything that comes after a cycle of life that has ended. In a way, this links it to heaven and places our Souls visit after our physical body is gone.

The constellation of Sagittarius was identified as the god Nergal in ancient Babylonia, a centaur-like creature firing an arrow from a bow. This deity was often depicted with wings and two heads, human and panther. This speaks well of the two natures of Sagittarius – one animalistic and one human, and this division of the sign, the constellation and stories linked to them, is something that didn't fade in centuries. Later on, it was connected to Chiron and centaurs, represented by a horse with a human torso and head, again pointing at a connection of animalistic with human nature.

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