A Dream

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A weird dream!

I need to spill something here... I had a weird dream!!!

I know.. I know~~ I supposed not to tell anybody about the weird dream but I keep thinking about it! and the weirdest of that dream is it relates with JUMP!

alright, I will start now~~

[Imagine this...]

You woke up in the morning bcoz of some noise... well, you are on vacation and you are staying at a big villa at mountain... but that morning, your sleep had been disturbed by some noise from outside... you rubs your eyes and slowly get up from your bed...

you steps slowly to the outside where there is a huge rest area; with a pool and 2 bench... and there is where all 9 members having fun while relaxing!!!

*seriously I still remembered this part clearly*

you steps out and go to the pool... and this scene had welcomed you when you join JUMP....

HS 7: 4 of them playing in the pool while chasing, snatching a ball *I can see clearly Keito try hard to win over Yuto, and sorry to the chibi, they trying hard to balance their body*

HS BEST: I'm not sure what inoo and dai-chan do, but they were at rest area too... at the bench mayb?? but what I'm sure is yabu, yuya and hikka were standing beside the pool...

Yabu was looking at 7 direction... not sure whether he was staring at them or just looking they play in the pool... but with his both hand in the pocket, he turn his face at 7 direction while standing beside the pool....

how about Hikaru? hikka was doing some sort of exercise? haha... just imagine him doing yoga then... or maybe he was stretching? I don't know but he do sit on the floor beside the pool....

and Yuya??? what he is doing at that time???

this part makes me shocked until I woke up!

Yuya was holding cigarette on both his hand!!

I know... I know... It's not weird... he is a man... he look rough, wild so maybe he smoke too... I don't know... *I hope he is not smoking!*

He hold the cigarettes and looks the other members quietly... the WEIRD part is, there is two cigarettes in each his hand... *both cigarettes had been lit...*

well, he use the one on his right hand...

how did i know it? because yuyan turn his face to the right for a while... and I think he smoke at that time... since yabuhika was at his left side, so he release the smoke at his right side... and to do that, he need to use the cigarette on his right hand....

and who the owner of the left one??? It's definitely not Yuya, coz he already got one.... so, who the owner of the cigarette on yuyan left hand?

can u guess it? based on my description, explanation, can u at least guess the owner of the cigarette in Yuya left hand???



It was mine! coz I'm directly walking towards him! and when my eyes catch the cigarette on his left hand, I just nods and yuyan gaze at me; while he stretched his left hand towards me and I'm start staring at the cigarette....

eh~~~ I'm smoking? and Yuya gaze... His gaze showed that he usually doing that to me *giving me the cigarette and he already lit it up, of coz*

and that's the end of my dream... *after that I'm full awake and I was in deep thinking about this two facts... Why I got that 'kind' of dream (its about cigarette!) and since when I'm smoking*


well.. I didn't take the cigarette yet but Yuya do want to give me that... waa~~ since when I'm start smoking??? It ruins my mood!

having JUMP in my dream definitely was an unforgettable moment [this is the 2nd one tho... the 1st one, I was dream going to ride roller coaster with all members (^^,)] and this time, I got to see them at the pool with their casual-own clothes... but that cigarette things ruin everything!

and even now, I keep remember that cigarette part!

yosh! I will end this here....

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