What's Wrong With Yoga?

Start from the beginning

"Mmm, stay here ndrew." he mumbles, completely ignoring the A in my name, that was new. I smile and place a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm going to go for a run babe, you stay here and sleep. We can go to breakfast when I get back." I run my fingers through his hair and bring them down the side of his face. His eyes still closed he smiles softly, nodding.

"Mmkay, have fun being healthy."

I make my way to the living room where my shoes have been placed, Garrett's doing, of course. Was this going to be an everyday thing? Now, they were placed directly in the middle of the walkway. He was so funny, but I couldn't let him know that. I pick my shoes up off of the floor and sit on the couch, lacing them up quickly. I hadn't been running in a while, but I knew it would be the best way to clear my mind after the events that had happened yesterday. I didn't know whether I wanted to share Garrett and I's relationship to the public just yet or wait until the Jeffree drama had subsided. Hopefully, this run would help me decide what I wanted to do.

I'd only been running for a couple minutes when I began to feel my phone ring. It was Shane, so I slow to a jog and answer,


"Andrew, hey."


"What's up?"

"I'm running."

"Ew, why?"


"Wait, you're literally running right now?"



"Do you need something?"

"Oh! Yes, I was wondering if you and Garrett could come over tonight to help me with a video idea? I tried calling Garrett but he didn't answer."

"He's asleep, and yeah that should be fine. I still need to help Morgan with her video too, so we'll see you tonight for sure."

"Okay, cool, sounds good. So how are you and Garrett?"

"We're fine."

"Are you being short because you're running? Or because you don't want to talk about it?"


"I see.... Well, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here."

"Thanks, Shane, I'll keep that in mind."

"Okay, well, I'll see you tonight then."

"See you tonight." I hang up and attempt to put my phone in my pocket, I don't even know why I try multitasking, before I know it I'm stumbling and tripping, and then falling. "Fuck!" I land on my wrist, a tragic attempt to break my fall. Why hadn't I stopped running to put my phone up? Idiot. I don't think I'm hurt too bad and I attempt to get up, stupidly using the wrist I'd used to break my fall, not a good idea. Pain shoots up my wrist all the way to my elbow, well that wasn't good. I sigh and use my other arm to get up, my injured wrist throbbing, I hold it tightly against my chest, the pressure felt better than how it felt on its own. I wince in pain as soon as I touch it, something was definitely wrong. I shake my head, annoyed at the way I'd injured it.

"Are you okay? I saw you fall a few feet back." A voice from behind me speaks, I jump not knowing anyone had seen my fall.

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me!!" I turn around, and my heart stops beating.


"Alex? W-What are you?"

"Doing here? I decided to go back to school."

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