Chapter 5. Perfect Weather, not

Start from the beginning

Kengkla remembers that one time Techno suddenly ignored all his messages and calls and when Kengkla went to Techno's house he wouldn't even let him enter his room. Kengkla had no choice but to go home because he can't make a commotion there when Techno's parents were home. Then when he reached his house Type suddenly flooded him with all the screencaps with a single message, what did you f*cking do again? There were sad and angry stickers from Techno. It was cute. But there were also long rants of how he hated Kengkla, how he was angry with him. Then it would turn to how much he loves Kengkla. Then he'd be angry again for what Kengkla did. It was just random and cute to say the least. But Kengkla was pissed off because of the reason why his P' was angry - Techno saw him with a girl in the mall earlier that day. It was petty because that girl was Kengkla's classmate and they were meeting with their other classmates at the mall to talk about a project.

If there was one thing Kengkla hated about Techno is that Techno would always choose to be quiet and be upset by himself rather than to clarify about it first. Techno never talks to him when he's upset about something. He always assumes things by himself. And this was one of those moments.

Techno remained silent because he wasn't sure what to say. He avoided Kengkla's gaze and covered himself with the blanket.

"You see? you're ignoring me again" Kengkla says, annoyed.

Techno was having none of it. He then took off the blanket and looked straight to Kengkla's eyes, "Isn't that what you were doing since day one? I wouldn't mind if you continue to ignore me more Kla." Techno knows he sounded a bit rude but he doesn't care.

"You do know why I was ignoring you right?" Kengkla's voice was getting louder.

"Yeah because of what I did. So really, I don't mind if you continue on ignoring me."

Kengkla was upset. "You're unbelievable P', how easy was it for you?"

Techno sighed in resignation. "You always thought it was easy for me Kla. Always."

Techno got up from his position and got off the bed and stood facing Kengkla.

"You always thought you were the only one hurting. Why? Because you think you loved me more than I loved you? Because you think your feelings were stronger than mine and I simply didn't care? I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. But Kla, I was dying a little too, every single f*cking day." Techno hated this, he hated confrontations.

"But you didn't do anything P', you simply let it all go, all our memories and the relationship we had you f*cking let it all go just like that! Did you even try at all P'? No! You were fine with losing me!" Kengkla was now standing in front of Techno, raising his voice. The sound of the rain long muted.

"You cheated P'. All I did was love you and you cheated on me. Why P'?!" Kengkla's tears was falling like the rain outside. He was upset and angry. All the pain was coming back to him now.

"That's how you saw me right Kla? These past years you remembered me as the one who cheated on you right? Just because you saw me kissing with another guy. Did you even listen to my explanation Kla? Did you even f*cking try?"

"What explanation P'? That he was just a friend? That you were just drinking when he suddenly kissed you? I listened to that P'! It just didn't make sense to me. It was too rehearsed and you didn't even try again" Kengkla pushed Techno in which Techno retaliated by pushing Kengkla back

"It was the truth Kla. What did you want me to do huh? What did you want me to say?!"

Kengkla smirked. "So you're still on this P'? Missed me with that b*llshit a long time ago. I've read all your messages and I've seen you a few times with him already and this was all when you said to me you had an important errand to run so you don't want me to pick you up. I let it all passed but it was too much. And you insist nothing was going on between you two?"

The two boys know this was an overdue confrontation. They were supposed to be having  this conversation a long time ago if only their pride didn't get in the way. Maybe that's the reason why they ended just like that, because no one tried.

Techno was so done. He grabbed Kengkla by the collar and punched him which caused Kengkla to end up on Techno's bed. Techno was still not satisfied and went on top of Kengkla and was ready to punch him again but regained his composure and stood up. The tears that he was holding back has now flown freely.

"That's your problem Kla. You always think lowly of my feelings. If you think I could do that to you then you never knew what I felt for you at all. Sorry if I didn't make you feel like I love you just as much. But I swear every single f*cking day I f*cking love you. You don't know how f*cking afraid I was of losing you. You know how f*cking afraid I was that one day you'll realize you deserve someone better? That one day you'll wake up and you'll regret being with me? Do you know how it f*cking hurts when I lost you? No you don't! Because you think you were the only one who was f*cking inlove."

Kengkla didn't say anything. Techno then wipes his tears and headed towards the door.

"Sorry for ruining your day. I know this was a perfect day for you because you liked the rain. I'm going home. I won't be coming back tonight."

And with one last apology Techno left.

Hey hi so here it is. I didn't know the chapter was going to end up like this too, i was originally going for fluff but here we are.

Thank you for 1k reads and I appreciate all the votes and comments. I'm too shy to reply to the comments but Thank you to everyone, love yall.

So let's have a talk about LBC. Techno and Kengkla killed me like OMG!!!! But I'm sad over the news that there will be no season 2. Like Klano's story just started ffs! But I hope we can get a spinoff like please @gays gods have mercy huehue

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