Chapter 1

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I walked into the Dunder Mifflin Paper Hideout. Which was what we called the building where my friends and I liked to hang out. We had a kitchen, hangout room, basketball court, volleyball court, and a tech room. I walked in with Callie and Nolan. Since Nolan was the only one who had a car, he had to drive us. Callie and I went into the kitchen while Nolan stayed in the hangout room waiting for Hudson, so they could start a basketball game. Burkeley and Nova had arrived. They met us in the kitchen. Hudson and Nolan ran to the basketball court. Callie and I joined them. Nova and Burkeley went into the hangout room. We took a break and Callie went to the bathroom. I got tired and decided not to play anymore. I went into the hangout room. Nolan and Hudson were sitting down on the bench.

Nolan said, "I like Charlotte."

Hudson said, "Yea I could tell. You wouldn't stop touching her." "

"Was it that noticeable?" asked Nolan.

Hudson said, "Yep!"

Callie came back and they continued their game.

 Nova and Burkeley were talking about Burkeley's new boyfriend, Hunter.

"You guys are so cute!" said Nova.

"Hey Charlotte!" said Burkeley.

"So who won?" Asked Nova.

"Callie and I won but that's because they let us win," I said.

Nova said, "You know Nolan likes you."

"No, he doesn't," I said.

"Yes, he does!" Nova said.


"I will go get him," Nova said.

I was talking with Burkeley.

I said, "I don't even like Nolan and he doesn't like me."

Nova told Nolan about our conversation. Nolan came back without Nova.

Nolan said, "So what am I not your boy anymore? I know you like me. Well, I like you too."

I just sat there not saying a word. Then Nolan came up to me and kissed me.

End of chapter 1

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