Harry Potter Dramione - Secrets

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Back down in the classroom Hermione walked in with Draco as Harry said "Hermione are you okay? Malfoy what have you said to her?" Hermione looked at Harry and said "I'm fine Harry... and it's not Malfoy's fault..." Snape saw Hermione crying and said "Miss Granger... would you like to take a moment outside with Mr, Potter and Mr, Malfoy?" Hermione nodded as they all exited the classroom. "Come on Hermione... tell me what it is?" Harry said, Hermione wiped away the tears and said "I was right... about Ron... he was cheating on me..." Harry shook his head and replied "With who?" Draco looked at Harry and said "Ask Luna Lovegood... Hermione saw Luna with Ron  just now and I saw them the other day." Harry hugged Hermione and said "How long?" Hermione looked at Harry and said "Since the second week of summer..." Draco looked at Harry as Harry said "I'll kill him for this..." Draco shook his head and replied "No Potter we can't... we have to do what's best for Hermione..." Harry looked at Draco and replied "Since when do you care about Hermione?" Draco's eyes narrowed as he walked off, Harry then took Hermione back to the Gryffindor common room. 

Back in the common room Harry sat Hermione down onto the sofa. "There was really no need to talk to Draco like that Harry." Hermione said, Harry looked at her and said "He hates you Hermione... and you hate him... after everything he's done to you..." Hermione shook her head and replied "Harry... I'm sure underneath his hard exterior he's a good person..." Harry stood up and said "I'm sure he is but I wouldn't trust him..." Harry then walked off leaving Hermione on her own. Hermione stood up and walked out of the common room only to find Draco stood at the door. "Granger, I was just coming to see if you were okay?" Draco said politely, Hermione shook her head and replied "That's kind of you Malfoy but I still feel upset..." Draco looked at Hermione and replied "Come on lets get out of here... let's go down to the black lake for a bit, we can sit down and look at the water... that's if you want to?" Hermione smiled and replied "I would love to Draco." Draco and Hermione then walked down to the black lake together arm in arm.

Down at the black lake Draco and Hermione were sat down by the lake when suddenly Hermione began to shiver. "Granger... you okay?" Draco said, Hermione looked at him and said "Yeah, I'm just cold that's all." Draco smiled and took off his jacket and gave it to Hermione, she took it and smiled at him. "What's this for?" she asked, Draco looked at her and said "It's too keep you warm..." Hermione smiled again and replied "Thanks... I feel better now." Draco looked around and said "Isn't this a beautiful night Hermione?" Hermione looked at Draco and said "What did you call me?" Draco smiled and said "Your name is Hermione Jean Granger isn't it?" Hermione nodded and replied "Yes but you've never called me that before... I thought you hated me..." Draco laughed and replied "I did... but for some reason... I've had a change of heart... I don't know what it is... but something about you makes my heart skip a beat... and when I'm with you I feel like I can fly..." Hermione smiled and said "That's sweet Draco... but... I'm not ready for another relationship..." Draco looked at the ground and said "Oh... well... I suppose that's fine..." Hermione sighed and said "Draco I'm sorry but after everything that happened with Ron... I just don't know if I can go through that again..." Draco stood up and said "I told you it's fine Granger..." Draco then began to walk away as Hermione stood up and ran after him and said "Draco... wait... I'm sorry... I'm sure your a really sweet person... and I have to admit... when I'm with you... I feel like I can float on air and my heart sinks to my feet when I'm not around you... you make me smile and laugh... most of the time... and I don't hate you... Draco Lucius Malfoy... I love you."  Draco turned around to look at Hermione and said "What?" Hermione nodded and said "I love you..." Draco walked over to Hermione and said "You love me?" Hermione nodded again as Draco said "I love you too... Hermione do you want to go out with me?" Hermione smiled as her cheeks went red and replied "Yes, I would love to go out with you." Draco kissed Hermione and then said "Can we keep it a secret for now... please?" Hermione took Draco's hand and replied "Anything you want... you can have, so if you want to keep it a secret then that's fine... I guess we just act normal." Draco nodded as he said "Yeah, so we go back up to school go to bed and then tomorrow we act normal." Hermione nodded as they walked back up to school. 

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