Sore Loser

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I only got a couple hours of sleep before I couldn't take it any more.

I got up and took a bath. After I had gotten dressed I used my water powers and vapor traveled to the throne room of  of the gods.

I found them arguing (of course) and stood in the shadows to listen to what they were saying. "We should prepare for his return father" Artemis yelled. "No Kronos is not coming back any time soon so there is no need to worry about it". "My little sister is right father we must prepare for this".

"I said no and my word is law now this meeting is over". Before he could flash out I spoke. "No it's not over so sit your ass down now and let me inform the council of something". This had shocked the Olympians beyond all measures.

"I have had enough of you mortal and I will not put up with your nonsense anymore".

"Well I hope you have someone else to defend you against your enemy's because me and my men will not be your little pawns anymore and now that we have immortality we may live as long as we like". "Oh and by the way we have defeated the Persians".

I was angry no furious that he would not prepare for war but, I will and no one is going to stop me from killing Zeus when this new war is over.


"Alright let's move out men". "Yes sir" they shouted. I smiled proudly at my men and their loyalty for me. Once everyone was ready we began to move to our new location.

This place was beyond the gods power so that is exactly where we are going. I had a vision given to me from Apollos Oracle that foretold of a land just beyond the ocean. I think in the future it's called Alaska or something but, that doesn't really matter.

We were to set sail in ten minutes and leave the gods until this new war comes.


"What are we going to do now that we have lost an entire army" Apollo asked?

"We have other army's we can beat the Persians" Zeus growled.

"Yes but, what about the fact we just gave them immortality". "So they can still die". "Father your missing the point". "What are you talking about".

"He means that when the Titans come back they can side with them and go against us" Poseidon said. "Oh I guess that is a bad thing then". "No shit Sherlock". "What is with you and your children always disrespecting me" Zeus yelled. "Hm I don't know maybe they can actually tell who's worth respecting or not".

"Alright both of you need to shut up so us adults can work out how we are gonna fix this" Hera yelled. "Yah because you always talk about war with us and not about how your husband always cheats on you" Athena growled.

Nobody but, Poseidon noticed that she had just stuck up for him. Well him and his brother but, still. "Well one thing is for sure Kronos is coming back and you definitely can not deny it father" Artemis said.

"Yes you are right my daughter but, now that we have lost a very powerful force that could possibly go to the enemy's side we will have to prepare".


Finally we have made it. After eight long months of sailing across my father's domain we made it here to Alaska. "Men start setting up camp until we can establish a kingdom here for us to protect ourselves". "Sir yes sir".

I smiled at my men's loyalty. First we will make a permanent home here and then bring our family's here as well so that we may be able to build a stronger hold in history for generations to come.

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