Locked Doors

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"I'se the b'y that builds the boat, I'se the b'y that sails her, I'se the b'y that catches the fish and takes them home to Lizer. Hip yer partner Sally Tibbo, Hip yer partner Sally Brown, Fogo, Twillingate, Moreton's Harbour, All around the circle! Susan White, she's out of sight, Her petticoat wants a border-"

"Lilly! Is now really the time for your scripping Irish drinking songs? Focus, please!"

"I am focusing! I can sing and focus at the same time you know! I'm just-- oh shoot!"

Joan could hear a slight tapping from Lilly's audio. They immediately stopped talking, as they could tell someone was approaching, and didn't want to make it even harder for Lilly to keep her mouth shut.

"Look, I know what I'm doing," Lilly said, straightening from the crouched position she had assumed as the owner of the tapping shoes walked past. She peered down the hallway, making sure the coast was clear before turning her attention to the bland beige wall. "It wasn't on purpose I swear, and it wasn't distracting me from the work." She went back to spoofing the lock on the wall safe, her eyes level with the gleaming '92'. "What's in here again?"

Joan was silent for a moment. "You're kidding right? You know, I usually love your sense of humour, but in the middle of a job it's not as amusing."

"Oh... of, course, for sure, just making a joke, Joanie, don't worry bout it."

Joan knew Lilly very well. She only got lighthearted and joking when she was trying to cover something up- usually her own lack of knowledge in some area. This was no different, but they knew she would figure it out as soon as she got the bloody thing open.

If she did, she showed no outward reaction. Lilly simply grabbed whatever was residing inside and bolted, maneuvering her body gracefully up the wall, back into the air duct where she came in.

Talyn's voice crackled to life over the mic: "Remember to pause at the four-way openings to look and make sure no one's there, ok Lilly?"

"Got it Tal. Garrett you're ready with the car, right?"

"Our get-away van is locked and loaded. Well, it's not locked, as you need to get in in a hurry, and it's not loaded because you're not here. I just mean--"

"Garrett, babe, I think we got what you mean. You're ready with the car." Joan swooped in to take over before Garrett went full ramble.

Lilly crawled for a few more meters before she needed new directions.

"Okay Lil, just take go straight, a right, straight, then a left, and we'll be there to pick you up." A new voice cut in, a female one.

"Alright sis, I got it."

"Are you sure? Because last time you were in this tight a chute you--"

"Yes, Drew, I remember it. I don't really need your reminders." Despite her cavalier and slightly annoyed tone, Lilly shuddered slightly at the memory.

* * *

This is both the best mission ever and the frecking worst of my life, Lilly thought to herself. She was lying on her back in the smallest air duct of her entire life, with a hedgehog balanced on her chest, pushing along with her hands and her feet scraping the bottom to propel her down the shaft. It was a job Talyn had begged her to do. A little girl on their radar had been abusing and starving the poor little hedgehog, and Talyn, animal lover that they are, had immediately made it their own personal mission to get the team to save him. So there Lilly was, in a veterinary hospital's tiny air duct, saving the wretched, albeit adorable, creature.

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