"I mean, yeah, I did say that. But we've been friends way before you even began reading about astrology, and I've always been the one person who listens to what you have to say about it. I have a lot more secondhand knowledge than you might think, you know. I just don't know anything about Geminis."

"Why not?"

"You never talk about them."

And, okay, true enough. Soonyoung's sure he's mentioned them before - at least a few of their friends have some Gemini placements - but generally speaking, he tends to gloss over it. It's not something he does consciously, but it feels oddly personal, and instinct tells him not to dwell on it. Not when Jihoon's around to listen.

Which he supposes might be a bit weird? He's never had a problem being personal with Jihoon, they don't really hide anything from one another - except, you know. Soonyoung's never said anything about being massively, idiotically whipped for the kid. 

All he says, though, is, "I definitely have. You've probably just missed it."

And that's that.

"Tell me more space facts," Jihoon says, and Soonyoung watches his breath cloud in front of his face. "Not astrology stuff, actual space."

"Okay," he says, adjusting his telescope.

They're on his roof, as they sometimes are, and Soonyoung's hoping he can find one of those constellations he'd read about. Jihoon, evidently, had lied when he said he wouldn't sit out and keep Soonyoung company while he looked - because, well, here they are. Soonyoung had to face a good ten minute's nagging about how careless he is when it comes to his own health, but it's worth it to have Jihoon right beside him, leaning in because it's so cold. It's sweet that he cares, anyway.

"Okay," he repeats. "Do you know Miranda?"


"Miranda, one of Uranus's moons. She's one of the most bizarre moons in the outer solar system. Like, she looks weird as fuck." Jihoon snorts, muttering something that sounds like 'rude' while Soonyoung keeps talking. "She's got ridges, craters, all sorts of features. Scientists aren't entirely sure how they got there - she might've had tectonic activity, or maybe she was smashed to bits and then somehow coalesced again, whatever. Either way, she's beat."

"Poor thing," is all Jihoon says, and it sounds distant. Soonyoung takes a quick look at him from out of the corner of his eye.

He's sitting with his hands tucked between his thighs to keep them warm, faced turned towards the sky. The cool air's pinched his cheeks a bright shade of red, letting the color spread to his ears and the tip of his nose, and his lips are parted with what Soonyoung likes to think is wonder; steam is inhaled and blown back out between them, and for half a second, he's ridiculously tempted to trap it between both their mouths.

He doesn't, though. Obviously.

Instead, he keeps going with the space facts.

"Did you know, there might be a planet made out of diamonds?" Jihoon's eyebrows raise, just slightly, but he doesn't look at Soonyoung. "It's not for sure, but research suggests there might be a planet out there that's got a mass eight times greater than Earth's and a surface made up entirely of graphite and diamond. It's 40 light years away, but can be visible to the naked eye in the constellation of Cancer." Jihoon makes a sort of noise, one that's like a mix between 'wow' and 'ooh,' and it's so soft, so genuine - Soonyoung feels stupidly fond.

Moonwatcher; SoonhoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz