Ch.5 There and back again

Start from the beginning

"I'll stop calling you slug when you start calling me king," Thorin challenged.

"And I told you that I would never refer to you as king as you are not and never will be myking," Smaug argued.

"You're in my mountain, and as I am now King Under the Mountain that makes me your king," Thorin spat back.

Harry rolled his eyes, and continued his way down the hallway, leaving the pair to their bickering.

On his way to Fili he passed Ori working diligently on compiling the story of their journey to reclaim the mountain. Dori, Bifur, and Bofur were working with a team on repairing a staircase. Dwalin was berating Nori for trying to slip out of his work shift. Balin, Gloin, and Oin were attempting to compile a list of all of the necessary supplies and resources that there were going be needed and what their cost would be. And Bombur was in the kitchen.

The members of the Company had all survived and were thriving here in Erebor. That included his friends. Fili and Kili were now, officially, princes. Fili was the heir to the throne of Erebor, and he'd really stepped up. He'd been overseeing all sorts of projects, and was working hard at cooling tempers when the inevitable fights cropped up. Kili too had stepped up. He'd matured quite a bit after the journey and battle. He was still a lovable prankster of course but no one could accuse him of being a child anymore.

"Harry! Glad you could make it," Kili greeted him with a bright smile as he entered the east forge.

"Of course. How are things going down here?" Harry asked, looking around the large forge. It had massive stone repositories filled with solid gold that had probably been sitting in there since Smaug first attacked.

"Not bad. We just needed your help with starting up the forges. We need to get the gold out of them that way we can check for damage, and see what needs to be fixed," Kili explained.

Harry nodded his understanding, and followed Kili further into the forge. He caught sight of Fili working besides some of the other dwarves to move some rubble. The blonde haired dwarf prince smiled and waved when he caught sight of Harry.

Kili lead Harry to one of the forges and after clearing the area Harry let loose a powerful breath of flame into the bottom of the forge. Instantly the forge came to life. The dwarves all around them cheered at the sight, and Harry quickly repeated the process with the other forgers. Soon all of the pools of gold had liquefied, and the dwarves would be able to begin the process of crafting what they needed.

Harry was on his way back to the quarters he shared with Smaug. The only warning he received was a slight electric current to the air. A blast of raw power slammed into his chest, and shoved him back a few paces.

When he lifted his head there in front of him were four people he thought he'd never see again. Sirius, Remus, Ron, and Hermione were standing in the center of the blast radius looking more than a little disoriented.

"That was worse than a port key," Ron grumbled.

"Travelling between worlds does that to you," Harry agreed as he approached his friends. His heart was racing, and excitement surged through his spine.

Instantly four pairs of eyes snapped to him.

"Harry?" Remus murmured, his eyes raking over his form.

"It's me," he agreed.

"You got bigger, mate," Ron's eyes widened.

"A lot bigger," Sirius grinned.

Harry quickly returned to his human form, and threw on some clothes he kept with him so that he could properly embrace his friends.

"I can't believe you found me," he murmured as he hugged each of them tightly.

"We'll always find you. We missed you, Pup," Sirius clutched him tightly.

"I missed you, too," Harry whispered.

Harry brought them into a nearby empty room, and together they sat and had a long conversation. Harry told them all about his time in Middle Earth, and the adventures he had gone on. Hermione told him about the spell she had found in the Black Family Library, which allowed them to travel between worlds. The information was a bit of a relief. It meant that he didn't have to make a hard a decision. He could stay in Middle Earth while still paying the occasional visit to his friends.

He told them as much, and of course they tried to change his mind. Only Sirius agreed with his decision.

"I'll even stay here with you," Sirius stated.

"You will?" Harry was a bit shocked.

As was Remus spluttered in shock.

"Why not? This place seems like an interesting place to be," Sirius flashed a roguish grin.

"Wait to see you the rest of it," Harry laughed. "But I won't say no. It'd be nice to have another wizard around."

The others agreed to stay in Middle Earth for a little while. Harry took them on tour of the mountain and finally introduced them to Smaug. After they got over his intimidating presence they were quick to start asking questions. The dwarves trickled in here and there to meet the wizards from another world. Harry was just happy to finally have his family all in one place.

When Harry was a little boy living in a cupboard under the stairs he certainly never thought he'd end up finding happiness in another world. Seeing Hermione grilling Ori about dwarvish history and books, Sirius laughing with Fili and Kili, Ron eating alongside Bombur and Bofur, and Remus having a polite conversation with Thorin Harry knew he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Is everything all right, my drakeling?" Smaug nuzzled against him.

"Everything is exactly the way it should be," Harry nuzzled him back.

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