The Swamp

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NAME: Theodore K. Clemente
SEX: Male
BD: 4/22/90
SERIAL #: 8675309
CRIME: Arson, Manslaughter

The Swamp Was Established In 1843 In The Town Of Undurtock, Maria. It is a two story prison capable of holding 100 inmates. The outside of the prison is sun bleached and water ruined with a plethora of mosses and weeds crawling up through the gaps in the bricks. When you enter the two splintered doors, you're greeted to white floor tiles as far as the eye can see that continue throughout the entire building. To the left there is where guest sign in and to the right, there is a waiting area in the corner to the side of a long hallway of visitation rooms. As you enter the doors, directly in front of you there is a large metal door that leads to a corridor, metal detector, another metal door, another long corridor, then the final metal door that leads into the main area of the prison. There are two corridors to the left and right of you that and they can be blocked off by large metal gates. In front of you is a large open area with cells along the left, right, and back walls with tables in the middle. Above the first wall of cells is another wall of cells accessible through the flights of stairs down the left and right corridors when you enter. Down the left corridor is the mess hall and Wardens Office with a flight of stairs at the very end of the hallway. And down the right corridor there is the shower and laundry rooms with another flight of stairs. Each cell has one wall hanging bed on each side that are crusted in sweat and dried blood. After the beds is half of a cement wall that  separates the beds from the toilet.

" Theodore Kermit Clemente, Male, Birth Date of 4/22/90, is here because of a conviction of arson and manslaughter of seven people." Said the man at the front desk in a monotoned voice that could shatter glass with its non mobile tone. " Follow me."
He lead Clemente throughout the prison until he came upon a cell on the first story with only one inmate inside. This man was laying on the bed right of the door with his face buried in The Fellowship Of The Ring. When he saw Clemente, he set the book down on the inch thick bed and stood as he put his hand out in front of him.
" Aaron, this is your new roommate Theodore. And also Theodore, Your inmate code is sewn onto your jumper." As the man walked away and locked the door, Theodore shook Aarons hand.

BD: 11/2/89
SERIAL #: 3420275
CRIME: Drowning, Manslaughter

Theodore sat on the bed opposite of Aaron. " So, why are you here?" Aaron asked. " I burnt down a supermarket on accident and there were twenty three people inside but seven were not able to get out in time so they charged me with Arson and Manslaughter. So now I am stuck here for the next twenty five years."
" Damn. I expected more." Aaron said. Clemente's face turned into a questioning one as he looked at Aaron in surprise. " Excuse me? "
" I said I expected more from you. I know your scrawny but you give off such weird vibe, like you have a deep secret. I thought you were about to tell me something like ' I slaughtered a family and smeared there blood into a pentagram in the woods '."
Theodore couldn't hold in his laugh and he crumpled to his bed in a wild and wispy laugh.
" Your not so bad after all. I wouldn't mind being stuck with you for a while." Aaron said as he put the book still lying on his and inserted it into a almost bare book shelf above his bed.
" Aaron, why are you here anyway?"
" Well Theodore, I was also charged with manslaughter but it was different. I was at the beach and there were these two guys being absolutely wretched to one of my female friends and I tried to go and tell them off but one of the guys ran up to me on sucker punched my cheek with his pocket knife", he turned so that Theodore could see a deep scar on Aaron's right cheek," and it sliced through my cheek and part of my tongue. I collapsed to the sand and twitched in pain. It was like a fountain of blood flowing forcibly out of my cheek and mouth. It was growing hard to breath and I was so over come with rage that I ran over to the guy harassing my friend and stomped his head into a bloody pulp. His friend that stabbed me was running away and....I don't know what happened but a giant wave appeared out of no where and it swept him a million miles into the open blue."
There was silence in the cell for a moment that was shattered by Theodore.
" Damn. I expected less."
The two bust out laughing. It was much better than the silence. Theodore opened his mouth to speak.
" Ay Aaron?"
" What?"
" Do you ever do things? "
" What do you mean things?
" Like do special things that others can't. The kind of things that you would read about in superhero comic books. Can you do anything like that?" Once Theodore ended, Aaron stopped and looked like he was contemplating something. Then Theodore spoke again.
" Because I think I can." Aaron looked up at Theodore and said,
" Can you demonstrate? "
Theodore held his hand out in front of him as a red light shone from his palm as if a flashlight was pressed upon it. The light began to grow until a ball of fire  hovered above his open hand. He closed his hand and the flame disappeared.
" Okay, I think I can do something like that too." Aaron said as a blue light shone from his hand like Theodore but instead of fire escaping his hand, it was a ball of water.
" Aaro-" Theodore was cut off by Aaron who said.
" You can call me Traffic, and tomorrow, I'm going to introduce you to a friend of mine"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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