Ch.1 Yer a dragon...wait, what?

Start from the beginning

A roaring had started in his ears and it distracted him enough that he almost didn't notice that the flames had stopped. He could see people running towards him but he suddenly felt dizzy. The world was spinning around him, and his skin suddenly felt uncomfortably tight. He swayed on his feet and before he knew what was happening the world went dark as he fainted dead away.


Harry woke to the sound of arguing, feeling disoriented and strange.

"I don't know what's wrong or how he survived. I only know that right now his temperature is getting higher by the minute. I've tried fever reducer but it doesn't do a thing. His fever just keeps rising. He should already be dead with a temperature that high, not to mention he just survived a full blast of dragon fire," Madam Pomfrey ranted.

"Will he wake up?" asked the concerned voice of Albus Dumbledore, his headmaster.

"I have no idea. He shouldn't, his brain should practically be melting out his ears with the temperature he's got. But as far as I can tell he's just sleeping as if he shouldn't be boiling alive. I swear I don't know how that boy does it. In fact I remember he had a high fever after his run in down in the Chamber. It went away soon enough," Madam Pomfrey answered sounding completely perplexed.

"Yes, but as I told you it was from the infusion of Phoenix tears after the basilisk venom," Dumbledore reminded.

"So you said. Perhaps that's how he survived? Could the Phoenix tears have given him an invulnerability to fire?" Madam Pomfrey questioned.

"No, they heal only the current wound. There should have been no long lasting effects," Dumbledore answered.

"What about his magic? Could accidental magic have protected him? He's always had strong and wild accidental magic. Just last summer he set his muggle aunt's hair on fire," Minerva McGonagall, his transfiguration professor, offered.

"I doubt it. Dragon fire isn't just something that can be blocked. It has unique properties that allows it to break through most shielding charms. Which is why you need to master a variety of different and complex shield charms before you can even think of becoming a dragon handler," Madam Pomfrey pointed out.

"Even if Mr. Potter's magic shielded him from harm it certainly wouldn't explain his sudden increase in temperature or how he is currently surviving such a high temperature," came the oily voice of his hated potions professor, Severus Snape.

"Severus is right. Something else is at work here. I just don't know what it could be," Madam Pomfrey's tone conveyed her frustration over the matter.

The professors subsided into silence each trying to come up with an explanation of how Harry could have possibly survived the impossible yet again. Harry decided that now would be a good time to stop pretending to be asleep. He sat up, immediately drawing the attention of the four adults in the room. Madam Pomfrey quickly made her way over to his bedside

"Mr. Potter, thank Merlin, you're awake. How are you-"

Madam Pomfrey cut off abruptly, lifting a hand to her mouth as she looked at Harry or more specifically his eyes. "Oh my."

"What? What's wrong?" Harry frowned up her. Only to suddenly realize he was seeing everything in perfect detail, and he wasn't wearing his glasses.

The other professors had drawn close, and they too were all staring at Harry's eyes in various states of shock.

"Oh, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall whispered.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Harry demanded.

In answer Dumbledore transfigured a glass by his bedside into a small hand mirror. He wordlessly handed the transfigured mirror to Harry. Harry eagerly took it and stared at his own reflection. What he saw made him understand just why everyone was so unnerved. His once emerald green eyes where now a golden yellow with a fiery red just around the edge of his iris, which had expanded to completely overtake the whites of his eyes. His pupils had stretched to become an elongated diamond-like shape. It was quite disturbing looking into a mirror, and realizing those were his eyes.

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