Chapter 1 - Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Dusk fell once again, but this time, sleeping was not on the to-do list, at least for 7 teens. Tonight was a night about mystery, escape, and freedom for the teens. A night to act as rebels. To let curiosity get the best of themselves. But you know what they say- curiosity killed the cat

Raion, Ana, Karubo, Emma, Shuio, Kito, and Liz have plans together tonight. They had no thought that it would change their lives. They just thought it was another night of fun. They plan to visit a forbidden island - rumored to be haunted - The Island of Crows. There, an entire village was massacred on a fateful night centuries ago by mysterious creatures. Since then, nobody dared to step foot on the island. It's been abandoned since.

Raion's phone goes off. His ringtone is nothing short of boring. It's a simple piano tune. As he likes everything else- simple.

"Yah, what is it, Ana?" Says Raion, as he picks up the phone with attitude.

"We're all waiting for you, Raion. We're outside of your house, have been for thirty minutes." Says Ana, giving Raion attitude back.

"Ah, well, I just woke up, you should know. I like my beauty sleep."

Ana grunts angrily.

"You idiot! It's only a matter of time before Karubo's dad notices his boat isn't in the right spot! We need to go to the island quick, we're running out of time, get your butt down here Raion!" says an angry Ana.

Raion is a little afraid of Ana, since she is clearly frustrated at Raion. God knows Ana can get a little scary at times.

"Okay, yes, fine, I'm coming down, just keep your voice low, you'll wake my family."

Raion hangs up the phone, and whispers to himself.

"She's a crazy.. crazy bitch."

While grabbing his jacket, he chuckles to himself, he wraps a headband around his medium brown hair, grinning. Trying not to wake his sleeping parents, Raion slowly and quietly leaves his room. His cat, Shadow, meows.

"Shh, you fool, don't act like I won't kick you across the room, cat!" says Raion, in a sharp whisper.

Shadow looks at Raion with sad eyes, as if he knows Raion is not happy with him. Raion proceeds to pet Shadow, and smiles.

"Heheh, sorry buddy. You just need to keep it down for me, okay? I'll see you soon." Says Raion, as he walks out the door, and down the stairs.

As Raion walks outside, he notices it's foggy out, and colder than usual. It's a full moon. He spots a group of six people. They are his friends.

"Well, well, well, you finally came out Raion. Did you bring your flashlight? It's a dark night y'know." Says Emma.

Raion puts a finger to Emma's mouth and shushes her. He nods, confirming he brought the flashlight.

Kito, with his hand holding Liz's, looks to the group.

"We all uh, ready to go?" says Kito, smiling.

"We'd all better be ready, can't have my father noticing the boat's gone." says a concerned and impatient Karubo.

Raion nods, flicks his hand back and forth, signaling the group to start walking. They walk for about an hour and reach Karubo's house. In his backyard, there is a large body of water that, if you go far enough, leads to the Island of Crows. The moon reflects off of the water in a dark manner, it almost looks evil, but somehow soothing. There, Karubo's dad's boat floats idle by the dock. The moonlight reflects off of it's smooth white coating. They begin getting in the boat.

"So, who's driving the boat?" asks Shuio.

"Why don't you do it, Karubo? You have the most experience, I mean, it is your father's boat." says Liz, sarcastically.

Karubo looks at Liz, he looks rather annoyed with her.

"Fine, I'll drive the boat." says Karubo, trying to keep his voice down.

Karubo fixes his glasses, and hesitantly starts up the boat. He sits there for a minute.

"What are you doing, laying an egg? Drive, dude. Let's get there before sunrise." Says Kito, sitting with Liz on his lap.

Karubo starts driving the boat out onto the open water. Kito and Liz start making out. Raion sits in a corner of the boat, keeping to himself. Emma and Ana are looking at the moon and taking pictures. Shuio is sitting next to Kito and Liz, feeling awkward. The closer they get to the island, the colder and darker it seems to be.

They are in for a night.. that never ends.

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