Chapter 2:First Day Of Classes

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Ringing of the clock again,lots of requirements,eyebags and many many many more.

June 4,2012-----the start of our classes. A normal situation of a student like me.But the good of this was many allowances.First day of classes I was very very very prepared because I'm excited to wear my new things  excited to see my friends,to know other people and to see Vine.I realized that  time I felt something wrong their was something irritating my mind and my heart.

A new chapter of my High School life and a new chapter of my High School love.A good day,Principal said,"Students from 2nd year-4th year please proceed to your assigned areas to see your sections.Proceed now students".

I'm 2nd year that time.While walking I saw my classmate,"What's your section bes?" she said,"It's strawberry,You?"."I don't know yet bes!"I said with a soft voice. And after our converstions I quickly find my section and I'm so glad because I'm one of 43 student belong to 2nd higher section.It was ll-Mango-the higher section of regular section.

I'm glad that I'm belong to 2nd higher section but the bad of it was I had no closefriend that time and almost all my new classmates was my greatest enemies.I tried to socialized and flow with the conversations.Honestly,I sat down behind Lorena but no one tried to sat down besides me OMG  that was so sarcastic.

I'm afraid to do wrong because my classmates,a little mistake they laughed at you so I learned to fight not physically but in academics You know,there was a big impact of Vine to my changes he inspired me in my studies and that was the good product of it.

I really really matured that time.My greatest enemies was now my bestfriends I knew how to socialize. And Vine was not erased in my mind but their was a little change.Always I texted him every night but now I just texted him once a month because I knew how to spend my money in a right way.

I always spent my money when their was some requirements that it needs money.Because I'm now practical in life,it's hard to live in this desolate world.I had many pictures of Vine in my cellphone and I made it as my wallpaper.

After our first day of our classes I'm excited to go home and tell my parents what was the good news and they were surprised.They gave me 2 dollars and I'm so happy even it was only a little amount.

I learned how to appreciate little things.I learned how to fight under pressure.Vine maintained his position as being in higher section ll-Cherry. So in my 2nd year in High School I said to myself that just focus my studies first before "landian"---a exaggerated love affair.

Love makes as a good person.Are you agree?,Yes.Don't give up something just continue what you're doing because their will be a time that all the unreal situations created by our mind will be real.Me,I'm still doing crazy things just to see him.My classmates said that I'm a good comedian and I'm agree with that.I made jokes with he was on my side because I want to see him laughing and smiling because of me.

I'm not sure enough that in every smiley he made,I'm not the reason behind it were not totally sure. we cannot say that I'm the reason in every smile he made,Right?.It was so so so so so SO SAD.

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