Numbuh 4: Hey! That's my remote! Gimme it back! (Runs to remote)

Emp. Dave: Hey there little buddy. (Grabs Numbuh 4 hood) Your remote? What makes you think you claim such a glorious bounty?

Numbuh 4: Cause it's mine! (Struggles to get down) I dropped and I'm gonna get it.

Emp. Dave: Only the emperor may caress the holy remote

Green hat Dave: Woah too much information.

Emp. Dave: I hear that. (Dave's laugh) (Still holding Numbuh 4’s hood) (lifts her up) So you dare challenge the authority of the emperor?

Numbuh 4: Uh duh. Bring it belly flop. (Gets dropped)

Emp. Dave: Fine we shall meet on the field of  honor. No shirt, no shoes, no problemo. (Dave's laugh) You hear what I'm saying I know you do.

Numbuh 4: I need my shirt my mom says it's inappropriate to go anywhere without one.

Emp. Dave: Suck it up buddy I'm mean no one will tell your mom.

Numbuh 4: I request my undershirt.

Emp. Dave: You're not gonna give up on this are you?

Numbuh 4: Nope.

Emp. Dave: Fine, you can wear a shirt.

Cut to the field of honor. We see Emp. Dave & Numbuh 4 in chairs connected to dust bunnies. They are wearing helmets and sheets.

Redhead Dave: Okie dokie artichokey your challenge is a chariot race driven by mere wild dust bunnies whoever snaches the most holy remote and keeps possession until the end of the will be crown emperor. Oh and the loser gets dumped down the crevice that leads to the bottom of the world. Any questionienos?

Numbuh 4: Yeah. Who came up with a dumb, stupid, cruddy challenge?

Redhead Dave: It is kinda stupid isn't it, but hey don't look at me. I'm with stupid.

Emp. Dave: Guilty as charged. (Dave's laugh)

Numbuh 4: Alright already let's just move on. You guys are starting to make my skin crawl.

Emp. Dave: Whoa to much information.

Dave's laugh.

Numbuh 4: Oh that's it! High-ya! (Starts the chariot)

Emp. Dave: Hey I was telling a joke here. High-ya. (Starts chariot)

In the race Dave's throw stuff and boo Numbuh 4. Springs appear out of the ground. Numbuh 4 jumps and grab the remote as soon as she is near it and lands on her chair.

Numbuh 4: Ha it's mine! (Gets hit in the head and Emp. Dave catches the remote)

Emp. Dave: Ha ha. See ya wouldn't want to be ya. (Dave's laugh)

Numbuh 4 bumps her chariot into Emp. Dave's one and he let's go of the remote which Numbuh 4 grabs. Dave grabs it as well and they fight over it.

Numbuh 4: Give me my remote.

Cut to Numbuh 3 watching TV where the channel is changing over and over again.

Numbuh 3: Hey, what's going on?!

Back to the race springs appear from the floor again. One appears right between 4 & Dave. Dave let's go and 4 still has the remote.

Emp. Dave: (pulls lever) Hope you got the stomach to play the game kid. (Spinny spike thing comes out of his chair) Cause I got plenty of stomach to spare. (Attacks 4s chair)

Numbuh 4: My upholstery!

Emp. Dave: Give me the most holy remote. (They cross the finish line and crash. Dave ends up with the remote and pops up from the damage) I have the remote! I rule! The kid drools!

Numbuh 3: Give me that! (Grabs remote) You guys are driving me crazy with all the channel hoping!

Emp. Dave: It is rightfully mine because I won!

Numbuh 3: Oh please! Me and Numbuh 4 dropped because we were fighting over it. Because I wanted to watch something educational and (points to Numbuh 4) she wanted To watch something destructive!

Emp. Dave: (Looks at her and all Dave's have a scared face) A girl had the remote, it has been defiled, not for a million billion four seasons have this occurred fall seasons has this occurred!

Numbuh 3: Oh come on! Numbuh 4 has touched the remote a lot it still works fine! Your logic is stupid!

Emp. Dave: We must be avenged! Release the dust bunnies!

Daves: Release the dust bunnies!

Numbuh 3: Dust bunnies?

Numbuh 4: (grabs his hand) Run!

A bunch of dust bunnies chase after them in the direction of a big pit.

Numbuh 3: What do we do?! What do we do?! What do we do?!

Numbuh 4: (Looks in the pit) I've got a plan. We can…

Dust bunnies knock them into the pit.

At sector C 2 kids are eating as sector V comes crashing through the ceiling.

Numbuh 1: (enters the tree house) Don't worry fellow kids next door. Sector V has heard your distress call and are here to help

Sector C (SC) Girl: (in Chinese) What did she say?

SC Boy: I think they need the toilet or something.

The girl points in a direction causing Numbuhs 1 ,2 , & 5 to run that direction. We see 3 & 4 come out of a different couch with a bunch of dust bunnies. They were about to be attacked when it got sucked away.

Numbuh 1: Let's clean house guys! (We see the two kids are still eating as we hear Sector V battle and run back into their vehicle) No need to thank us we are happy to help. (They drive off)

SC Boy: (in Chinese) Crazy Americans.

SC Girl: (in Chinese) You got that right dude.

Later at Sector V.

Numbuh 1: Great work team now who wants to watch some tv.

Numbuh 2: I do.

Numbuh 5: Sure I can go for some tv.

Numbuh 3: (hands him the remote) You'll need this.

Numbuh 5: Did you accidentally bring the remote?

Numbuh 3: Yes I did.

Numbuh 1: Try to leave it here next time. And Numbuh 4 why are you dressed like that.

Numbuh 4: Before we left to help sector C I was uh… I was captured by the um… dust bunnies and they dragged me into the couch where I ended in a ternamit.

Numbuh 1: All right then.

Numbuhs 1, 2, & 5 leave to go watch tv.

Numbuh 4: Numbuh 3.

Numbuh 3: Yeah?

Numbuh 4: We never speak of this again.

Numbuh 3: Agreed.

End transmission

Genderbend Sector V of the KNDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें