Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E

Beginne am Anfang

Numbuh 4: Propulsion systems?

Mr. Boss: Mr. W announce the festivities

Mr. W: Party announcement sequence initiated sir.

Mr. Boss: Excellent. (Laughs) None of those girls will expect that the party room is actually a deep space rocket, that will send them all off to pluto.

Laughs all around.

Numbuh 4: Pluto? Serves those girls right through. I'm sick of them looking at me like I'm a doll.

Mr. Boss: Then we'll get rid of the snot-nose boys next week. With no kids to go home to their parents will have more time to work for me.

Other worker: Actually sir. There's the matter of the one boy that's here.

Numbuh 4: What parent brings there son to take your daughter to work day?

Mr. Boss: We will just send him along with the girls. Who cares. (Numbuh 4 leaves) As soon as all the kids are at the party we'll begin countdown to limbo.

Numbuh 4: That's nut not sending me anywhere. I gotta get out of here. (Gets dragged off with a bunch of girls) Hey let me go you giggily dumb… (screams) (they are all in an elevator where every girl is is moving to the music) Get out of my way. Get out. (The elevator stops and they are pushed into a room and then Numbuh 4 runs to the closing elevator doors) No, no wait don't close the… (the doors close) No. (Hears girls in aw) What? (Looks up)

Girls: Mr. Boss is throwing us a rainbow monkey party.

Numbuh 4: (in discuss) Uh, Rainbow monkeys. Why?

Girls: (singing) Rainbow monkeys, Rainbow monkey, oh so very round and super chunky. Bringing love wherever they go, everyone is made of a big rainbow. Oh red and orange and pink and blue. Rainbow monkeys, Rainbow monkeys we love you.

Numbuh 4: My worst nightmare is coming true. I'm stuck with a bunch of girls who love stupid rainbow monkeys. I refuse to let this happen. (Runs to another door to leave but fails)

Girls: Don't leave Willow. (Numbuh 4 somehow has a pickaxe and attacks the floor) Let's play Rainbow Monkey dress up. (They put lipstick on Numbuh 4)

Numbuh 4: (wipes it off) Get off. Leave me alone. (Runs to the elevator doors and tries to pry it open with an out of nowhere crowbar) Come on open up. (It opens and more rainbow monkeys come out)

Girls: More rainbow monkeys.

Numbuh 4: Uh, There's no way out of here. Uh, stupid rainbow… (Turns runs into a big rainbow monkey kicks it to reveal a way out) Hey. (Pulls the cover off) Bingo. Heh enjoy Pluto girlies.

Numbuh 3: Numbuh 4.

Numbuh 4: (gasp) Numbuh 3 what are you doing here?

Numbuh 3: My mom works here in accounting and my dad was busy today so my mom dragged me here so…

Numbuh 4: Ok just tell me later. (Grabs his arms) We gotta get out of here.

Numbuh 3: Why?

Numbuh 4: They're going to blast this whole party to pluto.

Room shakes

Numbuh 3: We have to save the others.

Numbuh 4: There's no time besides they are just a bunch annoying goofy girls. (Numbuh 3 glares at her) What alright. We'll save the dumb girls.

Numbuh 3: You are aware you are a girl right?

Numbuh 4: Yeah but I'm not a dumb girly girl. Ok! Listen up! Anyone who doesn't want to get blasted get in the vent now! See I told ya. (Grabs his arm again) Now let's get out of here. (Numbuh 3 takes his arm back and glares at her again) What they won't listen to us. Numbuh 3 come on. (Numbuh 3 turns his head) Hmm… (jumps on a table) Hey everybody I got a secret. (The girls look at her) There's a uh… whole bunch of uhh… rainbow monkey video games right down there.

Girls: Rainbow monkey video games! (Girls start jumping into vent)

Numbuh 3: Hurry, hurry come on everybody.

Numbuh 4: Yeah pick up the speed you little brats.

Worker: All systems check sir.

Mr. Boss: Begin final countdown.

Workers: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4…

Girl: I don't know I'm kinda scared of…

Numbuh 4: (pushes her into the vent) Yeah yeah come on. (The room takes off) We're taking off. You can still make it.

Numbuh 3: What?!

Numbuh 4: Go! (Pushes him)

Numbuh 3: (Falling) No Numbuh 4!

Numbuh 4 tries to stand up and struggles then gets hit with a rainbow monkey.

Numbuh 4: Aw crud.

Mr. Boss: (watching the room get blasted off) My plan is working perfectly. Now my workers can work up a million hours a week and I'll never see another stinky little girl around this office again. (Girl lands in his arm and he looks up as more girls fall) What? Where are they coming from? You brats are supposed to be on your way to pluto. What's going on?

Red head: Look it. A fancy rainbow monkey video game.

Mr. Boss: What? No, no, no, no. Sit. Stay. Heel

Girls run over to the computers and around pressing buttons.

Red head: What does this button do.

Worker: No don't touch that.

We see the room numbuh 4 is in moving around a lot while we hear her scream.

Mr. Boss: Hey stop you little brats. You're fired. Stop. (4 girls press 4 buttons and a alert appears)

We see Numbuh 4 getting tossed and thrown around the room. Back to the office the girls only causing more chaos.

Mr. Boss: My plans are ruined. (Starts to leave as numbuh 3 lands)

Numbuh 3: Hey stop! You have to stop that ship! Numbuh 4’s in there! (Chases Mr. Boss) Stop!

Mr. Boss: Get loss.

They run through the halls and Numbuh 3 sees him enter an elevator as it closes.

Numbuh 3: No, no don't close! (Presses button) Come on. Come on. (Doors open reaches last floor and runs outside as Mr. Boss is getting in his car) Come back!

Mr. Boss: So long suckers I hope your friend likes pluto!

Starts to drives off but the room lands on his car.

Numbuh 3: (gasp) Numbuh 4! (Mr. Boss and Numbuh look a mess and disoriented) Numbuh 4 you're safe! (Hugs her) I thought you were sent off to pluto.

Numbuh 4: Well…

Mr. Boss: You miserable brats! You ruined me! Ruined me! So now I'm gonna ruin y… (gets cut off as girls jump on him saying thank you) Get off me you little creeps.

Numbuh 4 is walking back to her dad's cubicle groaning and jumps back into drawer.

Mr. Beetles: So how was your trip to the bathroom? Everything came out ok? (Laughs)

Numbuh 4: Sure. Whatever.

Mr. Beetles: You know sweetie, they are going to be having a bring your son to work day next week so since Joey's to young I thought I could just bring you again. Sounds like fun huh.

Numbuh 4 groans. They are leaving the building.

Numbuh 3: So looks like I will be here next week as well.

Numbuh 4: Yeah I heard turns out I'm going to.

Numbuh 3: So I guess we're saving boys next week.

Numbuh 4: Yep we will need to be more prepared though.

Numbuh 3: Yep.

End transmission.

Hey guys I hope you like it I am just going to be jumping around doing the episodes any requests just tell me and it will be base on popular feedback. Numbuh 4 was supposed to be seen as a girl all girls think are pretty and want to be her friend despite her attitude. Numbuh 3 isn't going to so much in love with rainbow monkeys but he is a fan because of his sister.

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