Hazel felt her heart beat dangerously. She could feel the ache in his words as he spoke, and her heart wanted to reach out to his. "Have you ever considered... working less? I mean, if it's what you truly want and you say work is what gets in the way of your dating life..."

Nick's lips lifted in a small smile. "I wish it was that easy... but I'm afraid it's more complicated than that. Family is complicated to me."

Oh, Hazel knew all about that. She gave a deep sigh and closed her eyes, settling closer against Nick. He wrapped his arm tighter around her and kissed the top of her head once more.

Right here in this cocoon, they could both forget their hectic lives and the complicated holiday stress they both faced ahead. Here they could pretend there was nothing but the two of them, nestled in warmth and uncomplicated happiness.

But it wasn't all that un-complicated anymore, Hazel's voice of reason silently chimed.


Later in the afternoon, long after Nick had left for his Santa duty and Hazel had left for work, Hazel was driving back to her sister's place deep in thought. And for once, they weren't circling a certain hot Santa.

With only a week left till Christmas, Hazel was starting to feel the growing discomfort in her stomach. She wanted the evening to go well for her sister and the children of the family, but how well would well go if there was an obese tension in the room?

Hazel hadn't seen her parents since Michael was born, which was almost three months ago. And it had been a short meet; Her parents had stopped by to see the baby at the hospital, just as Hazel had been leaving Camille's room. They had run into each other in the hall and it had been unpleasant to say the least. Her mother and father had been arm in arm and Hazel had silently lowered her head and stepped aside while biting her tongue. Her mother had upturned her nose and walked straight on in while her father had followed behind her, pretending he hadn't even known her. Known his own daughter.

They hadn't spoken a word to each other, but everything had been said anyway.

How was Christmas possibly going to be enjoyable with that much resentment mixing with the smell of turkey?

Hazel sighed and pulled up in the driveway to her sister's. She had promised Camille she would try this year, but as the days grew shorter and shorter apart, as did her desire to keep her promise. It was that exact reason she had taken the turn to her sister's rather than driving straight home after work.

Locking up her car and stepping inside the house with a redundant quick tap on the door, she was greeted by her ever energy-bursting niece.

"Auntie Hazi!"

"Hi, monkey," Hazel smiled brightly and crouched to get her favorite hug in the world. "What's up? What are you wearing?"

Her 4 year old niece was currently dressed in a princess gown and holding a fake foam sword in her hand.

"I'm a warrior princess!" Ashley proudly announced and showed off her growing pearly teeth in a happy grin. "I'm protecting my kingdom!"

"Ooh, from what?"

"The evil dragon!"

Why did Hazel have an idea of who the evil dragon was... "Well then. And where's the dragon right now?"

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