Chapter 4

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'Wait who is your father' I thought. The turtle's looked at each other "if you want to know who our father is, he's not like us. He's a rat that's been mutant, and he was a friend of your mother" Leo said. "O..Kay, but what dose it have to do with my mother?" I question. "Well, that the hard part" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Your mother is the one who shattered a diamond" he continued.
"Wait, hold on. What's a diamond and why did she shattered it" I asked "not it. She" Donnie corrected me. "She?" I lightly titled my head. "Yeah, your mother shattered pink diamond. She is the only female diamond" he said. (Yes yellow white and blue diamond are males XD I'm sorry!!)
"So the others are boys?" I pointed out "well, yes. There is Yellow diamond, Blue diamond, and white diamond" he said. "And than she meet our father, they worked together. When...the diamonds sent a gem named Shedder. They fought a hard battle. When splinter thought that he shattered her, and it was right in front of he's eyes." Mikey said. "Wow, I never knew that my mom would do such a thing to a pink diamond" I said. "(M\N) had to do it. Because pink diamond was planing to evade earth" Raph said.
I nodded. "But where did you get your diamond or gem." I change the subject to not know more of my mother. "Oh, we were made like this. In home world, but at first they sent us away. Than we ended up here. Our father found us in ally then took us in" Donnie said. "So dose our gem have any powers or no?" I lift up my shirt a little bit. "Shell Yeah we do! Check this out!" Mikey gem shined and pulled put nun chucks out he gem. Than Leo gem did the same but coming out of he's head and pulled out a katanas.  Raph for some reason has to gems and sai came out. Last Donnie he's gem glowed and pulled put screens and showed information.
I wowed in amazement. "That really cool, but why dose Raph have 2 gems. Aren't we supposed to have one?" I asked. Donnie eyes widen "well" he chuckle " Raph is different, he w-was made like this" he smiled widely.
I nod. "Well thanks for telling me this. I guess I have to organize my thoughts. But one more thing" I said "what?" They all said. "Since I know this stuff, is there other information I should know?'" I add. "No, I don't think so" Leo said.
Narrators POV
The turtle's and the half gem said there good bye and went home. (Y\N) crawled into her bed and started thinking about her mom shattering pink diamond. She twist and turned trying to fall asleep.
The turtle's went back to the lair. Leo headed to the dojo. Seeing sensi mediating. "Um, sensi their something I need to tell you" Leo said entering the dojo. "Please, my son sit down" he said in a calm voice. "Well, the other day when we were on Patrol we meet a human" sensi eyes quickly open "you were see by a human?" He voice rise up. "Yes, no, well she's not a human" Leo explained. "She more like a half a gem" Donnie entered the conversation. "Really, then I'm more interested in your story Donatello" he stroking his beard. "We were spotted because of me. She was on the roofs than her gem started glowing, she freaked out and trip and fell at the edged. So I run to save her" Donnie explain.
The other came in, then told him the rest of the story. He surprise. But when he heard (M\N), his head jock up. The turtle told him that she passed the gem to her when she was born. "My sons I believe that she may be in great danger than any of us" he said "how so father?" Leo asked. "She has (M\N) gem, the diamonds will think it will be her" he said. They all gasp in fear "what do we do?" Mikey asked. "We wait until tomorrow. Find her and tell her that she is in great danger. But you all need rest. Good night my sons" he excuse them.
They all bowed and went to their rooms.
I woke up a little tried after staying up most of the night. I got dressed and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast. I see dad at the table with pancakes, eggs, and bacon. My month began to drool a little.
Dad smiled "morning my special gem. How did you sleep?" He said reading the News Paper. "Good, you" I took a bite of the pancake. "Same here, and today is Saturday. And I thought you should go out for a bit, you know get some fresh air and other stuff" he said. I the Really-You-mean-it? look. He laughed "yes, but make sure to text me to tell me were you are okay?" I nod and race to my room.
I around to look around to found something to do. When my gem started to glow. The weird part I was standing on top of a manhole. I looked around and went a ally and it glowed again.  I looked down and took the lid off.
The sewered smell made my nose crinkle. I got to the bottom and followed to which my gem wanted to go.
Next I heard laughing, yelling, and talking? But the voices sounded familiar. I walked some more and came a crossed subway and the turtles I meet.
'Is this there home?' I question myself. I tip toe inside and step on a rats tail. I froze. The turtle's quickly remained silent "who's there? Show yourself!" Leo shouted.
I walked inside, they looked at me shock. "(Y\N)!? What are you doing here? And how did you find us??" Donnie asked "well, I walking around the streets and my gem started to glow, so I followed it" I inform.
Before I asked them why they live in the sewers. I heard a calm voice saying hello there little one. I slowly turned around to see a giant rat with a rob and a long beard. I walked backwards "A-Are you my mother friend?" I sequel. "Yes, I am and you must been (Y\N) (L\N) yes" I nod. Than my head started to spin and things started to get blurry. "Miss (L\N) are you alright?" The rat asked. "Y-Yeah just lightheaded. Just...light" I fell into Donnie's arm "headed" I black out.

(Sorry it took a while to come up with this, jk. It took 3 hours I hope you enjoy please tell me what you think. I would like to know how I am doing. See you in the next chapter bye❤❤❤)

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