Red Manuel

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"She's been missing since Friday and you're not worried?" Null frowned.

"Of course I am! She was one of my soldiers-"

"Spittoon, actually." Red manuel interrupted. "Maybe she got tired of you giving us the runaround and-"

"NOT. NOW. Red," Toth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "We need to find her as soon as we can."

"Why? She's a burden to us, your the reason she left, and now you want to find her?", Red scoffed. Toth opened her mouth to say something, but closed it shut.

"And i'm the reason she's coming back. End of discussion." The Y'dallion woman got on her horse, the rest getting on their steeds as well. Her glare gave him chills down his spine. He did not know why she wanted Skout back, the others thought she might have a "thing" for her.

"Hah, as if she would love anybody but her people", he had said. But the evidence seemed to support their theory. All those times they almost died trying to capture the Nomad, she didn't give a shit about them. They could have died and she wouldn't have cared.

But when it's Skout in danger, that's a different story.

'If I were the leader of the Dandelions, we would have already caught the Nomad. In fact...if I were to catch the Nomad myself...I would be rewarded generously, and the respect I deserve.' He thought, rubbing his chin with a devious grin.

Toth kept her eyes on the road ahead while everyone else was either too busy talking (mostly just Null and Jethro conversing about something idiotic most likely brought up by Jethro) to notice Red on his horse carefully trotting away or just didn't care.

The thought of them not caring stung him a little, but he shrugged it off; it wasn't like he cared about them anyway. "Soon, they will care." He reassured himself.

Ever since he was just a niñito, he had wanted to do something great, to be remembered with respect when he's gone.

But the elders just laughed at his bold statements, as if he couldn't be respected because he was just a kid then. He had wondered whenever someone reminded him to respect his elders, do they deserve monopoly over respect just because their old and grey?

He didn't realize the speed they were going until the whining of his horse broke him out of his thoughts. He pulled the reins a little, signaling for his horse to slow down and eventually, a stop, then patted the mare's side to calm her down.

"There, there, Armonía." He made an abrupt stop as soon as he heard multiple voices, one sounding all too familiar.

"Spittoon girl? Slowly, Armonía. We don't want to intrude."
There, he saw toth's spittoon girl with...the Nomad!

"This could be my chance! To prove to Don Paragon that i'm better than toth! Wait...who's that? Down there?"

His horse made a 'why are you asking me' face and sigh-snorted.

"Quiet! We don't want them to know we're here!" He hushed. Armonía, the horse, just rolled her eyes.

Red gasped as the mysterious figure came into view below while he and Armonía ducked behind a plateau, "It's the champion! And he's come to take away my bounty."

The mare gave him an annoyed glare.

He watched the scene unfold; the spittoon girl, known as Skout, taunting the champion, and both the Nomad and the spittoon girl running away as soon as the champion began to climb the rocky surface.

Red followed them as soon as they were far enough behind. It was tedious work trying not to get caught, and when the duo stopped, Red and Armonía hid behind a clump of boulders.

They seemed to be in what looked like an abandoned town.

Soon, he heard the champion come and give warnings to his foe. And soon both the spittoon girl and the Nomad made their escapade down a well, the champion in toe.

"Stay here. I will be back with our bounty, don't you worry."

Red stroked Armonías neck, but she didn't look convinced. He jumped down the well, although it was a rough landing.

Red ManuelWhere stories live. Discover now