Chapter 1

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The rest of the school day played out just like a normal day. The occasional fight between kids in the hallways , getting caught in groups of people just standing there. I am usually home before anyone else , I live relatively close and riding my bike is easy on the few tiny hills we have .

I like to talk to my self , I mean I get me . I know what I like , what I don't like , my mood, my craving , and etc . I like to think as myself as my best friend and worst enemy because I don't really feel like I have a conscience. It feels like I have another person with me all the time , like a clone or something. I never feel alone there's always a certain presence with me . Not like a human but more like being self aware of your own presence. I don't hear the little voice that every one else does, instead I just about get spoken ideas .Someone is talking to me , but it's not me . There's another, well person living in my body I guess . I can have arguments and discussions and even inspirational moments all with some other voice. This voice sounds quite British it's actually pretty funny , but it's also deep and manly. It's not scary , more calming of a voice in fact. I treat this voice like as though I am talking to myself . With someone to talk to and share my feelings and thoughts with I'm never really on my phone , in fact I'm getting ready to sell it . Anyways this being can't read my thoughts but it can see causing troubles, anyways I talk to it aloud because that's the only way of communication. let me tell you it's awkward when you are taking a test in math and scream shut up because the voice in your head can't stop making sex jokes. He is quite inappropriate, but he does make things a lot more funnier. A HOLE lot more funnier.

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