Strawberry Sunsets-Chapter 2

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Strawberry Sunsets

The sky blossomed into a huge kaleidoscope of colors, with oranges, reds, & yellow as the sun set in the sky. A gentle wind blew, causing pale blonde hair to gently fly around a pale face & small, feminine hand to have to brush it away, as Senna giggled in delight, the sound musical to the ears. She lay upon the soft grass of their home, secluded from any prying eyes, so that she can lay in total privacy & where she can relax in nothing, but a skimpy nightie as she was pron to do, when Godric & her were alone.

Senna took an unnecessary deep breath of the spring day, letting it out in a soft sigh of contentment. These last past years were the best she has spent in her whole life. She's never been as happy as she is now, with Godric. He treated her so well, was so gentle & loving to her. Treated her as if she was the most important thing in his life, aside from his children, & she loved & cared for him just as much. He was her entire world & she never wanted to be apart from was thankful that Eric had finally come around to seeing how much she loved & cared for his creator. He now saw her as a mother & would often come down to visit, bringing his Mate, Pam, & Tara. She loved Eric's mate, Bella, she was the sweetest thing, but was no pushover. The girl would stand up for herself against Eric when she felt he was wrong about one thing or another, & when Eric would push to hard on a subject, well it could often cause him to lose his bed privileges for as long as a month at times.

Pam was another favorite, she was sweet & caring to her family, but was also saucy, & sarcastic, & an absolute delight to be around, & with her & Tara together, well it was double that with the both of them. They just cracked Senna up with all the antics they get into, but she would never want to change them, she loved them the way they were, & they loved her for showing her what a family could be like.

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