chapter one

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i was not stupid, nor did i have a death wish. i just didn't see what was so scary about a bunch of naughty boys, who happen to be a little more gifted than others. but not more gifted than me. 

"you got past our shields?" the voice was interested rather than angry. "gee, can you teach me to do that?"

the telepathic voices were now accusing and seemed to be centred on a boy with dark hair and glasses.

"jesus, yves. you can't just ask the enemy for tips."

i don't know which voice goes with each boy so i couldn't distinguish the body that went with the comment, but it made me laugh all the same. 

all eyes slowly moved to me in the centre of the circle, my laughter cutting the family feud suddenly and without warning. 

i didn't know how long i could wait for this 'famous' family to decide how to capture me. i had kept them running in circles for days on end, and now, as we all stood, (the mistfits and the heroes) in this huge field with burnt yellow grass tickling our elbows and fields stretching as far as the human eye could see. i knew, without even having to dip into their heads that their patience was shortening.

but then again, so was mine.

it was starting to get cold in preparation for night. and though, i knew i would never be warm again, i really needed to build a fire before all the sticks got too damp for me to try.

see, i had been living in a small wood outside the city of venice in italy for 6 months or maybe even more? i've lost track. i don't even know what date it is, but i assume it's the end of september-ish as the weather is shifting.

 the benedicts needed to make the first move. it was my rule. but they were taking their sweet time about it. that's for damn sure. 

"hey, i know, this might be the wrong time." i could weave into their mind connections easily. their minds, though, trained to be guarded, were, at most, unchallenging. the disappointment was slight because i had heard some great things about the 'benedict brothers' and their 'soulfinders,' "but can you hurry this up a bit?" i vaguely moved my hands  to indicate their telepathic conversation. 

"i'm sorry," a boy with messy dark hair smirked, indicating that he wasn't sorry at all. "but, do you have more important matters than.." the boy then began to intimate my hand movements from a moment ago, "this?" 

i look down at my ruined converse, trying to ignore the memories which are pushing themselves forward. i had heard harsher tones in my life, but somehow hearing the same tone come from the body of a "good guy" made an unwanted knot appear at the base of my stomach. maybe there were no good savants after all? i knot a piece of grass around my finger until the skin turns white.

"leave it okay, zed?" i look up, there was something in the voice that created silence. even the muffled words of a plan forming at the back of my head being telepathically thrown between the two oldest brothers stopped short. 

something silently passed between the family. something, i couldn't even understand with my gift. 

i shift my gaze to the boy who had spoken. he was moving with confidence, almost gliding towards me. i immediately take a step back. but he kept his distance, standing a few feet in front of me, scores of messy brown hair protecting me from the wrath of most of the brothers. 

now, most of the family couldn't see me i had a chance to search for an escape route. the air was chilled and thin containing only a slither of a moon over head, even though it wasn't even dark yet. evening was drawing in and the lights shone from the city and for a second i longed to run into civilisation and leave my home in the woods. i quickly glance at the family who are having a deep telepathic conversation i couldn't be bothered to listen to. 

i realise, suddenly, that the family had discovered exactly the spot i'd been hiding and sleeping for the past four months and now, i would have to find a new hiding place. damn them.

but maybe, knowing what the benedict brothers had been doing would earn me a place back in civilisation? i can't know that for sure. i pull the grass until there is a clump in my palm. i can't take that chance. 

this was my opportunity. the sweet curly haired boy had blocked virtually all access for his brothers to get me. and the three girls, who had been originally flanking me from behind had moved closer to one another, and were now in deep conversation. i didn't want to hear some girly gossip or whatever else they could be talking about.

without hesitation, i sprint left, branches  slashing at my legs. i grit my teeth, feeling the specks of blood run down my calves as more thorns rip through my jeans. the only sound is my feet and i like it. steady. the rasp of winter air, burns my lungs as i rush by the trees. watching, the sun go down and the forest becoming more familiar. this was my home. this was my place to hide. but it was no longer safe. i need to grab a few of my belongings before i left forever. 

without even meaning to, i feel a wave of sadness as i enter the round bank which had become my home. 

quickly grabbing the yellow cotton blanket which was leaning against a tree and wrapping the notebook in its soft material. i turn to leave, drinking in the surroundings of the autumn leaves i had used as a mattress and the trickle of water, dripping steadily from behind a nearby tree, offering a place to wash and drink. 

i sigh, knowing that these few seconds saying goodbye might have cost my life. if the benedict's found me again, they might not be so kind. but i had escaped once. i could do it again. 

i whisper a thank you to my curly haired saver. who was i kidding? he wasn't mine. he probably had some hot cheerleader girl to keep him occupied. 

"don't mention it, sunshine."

the words catch me off guard. i stop. i had imagined that. my heart pounding from the exercise. i start to run again, feeling a stitch attack my right hand side. i pull the voices out of my head in desperation. i was going mad. nobody could get through my barriers unless they used very painful ideas.

i run confused now, persuading myself of the harsh games savants can play. i must just be tired from all the escaping, or it must just be the cold.

pull yourself together. 

i push my hair into my hoody to warm me up. i know they are near by. i can hear them.

"oh, and by the way, i don't have a hot cheerleader girlfriend." i feel him sigh telepathically. "sadly."

okay, i am admit i am freaked out. like, seriously freaking out. he was picking thoughts out of my head. thoughts hidden behind security better than buckingham palace. my breathing was coming out in short painful rasps. oh god, i'm having a heart attack. 

"you're not having a heart attack" he spoke softly into my head now. it was almost comforting. almost.

i can't let the cold win. or the voices in my head. my teeth are chattering so hard it feels like the noise is permanently engrained into my skull. my body feels on the brink of collapse. what just happened? i was fine a second ago. i immediately feel an intense dislike, blaming my strange change in bodily functions on the curly haired boy. 

the figures of the benedict family emerge from the trees, the sun setting behind them, orange and red blending hesitating in the air, making their figures silhouettes. it's if they had been there the whole time, witnessing my panic-attack-boy-speaking-in-my-head-incredibly-cold-fiasco. how embarrassing. great. i am about to die. and my last thoughts are of embarrassment. typical.

the panic hasn't subsided and i still can't breath properly. my lungs feel like they've given up. i immediately regret underestimating the benedicts. they've managed to get into my head and not even members of the savants i have been working with have done that yet. i suddenly realise, that the benedicts are worse than them and as i watch the family draw closer i use the gift i was born with.

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