Chapter 1

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  It was Junior's third birthday today, and Brian and Angela were setting things up to celebrate his birthday, ordering cake, catering, and guests to attend Junior's third birthday. Junior was so excited when he saw the presents. "Daddy, are those for me?" Junior asked, pointing at the presents. Brian grinned widely and said, "No, Junior, they're for another little boy," before laughing on the inside. Junior threw a temper tantrum. He wanted to open those presents, but his daddy told him they were for another little boy. "But, daddy, I want them now!!!" Junior cried out, tears forming in his eyes rapidly.

Angela smiled and picked Junior up, holding him close to her, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "It's alright, sweetheart. Daddy's just joking around. Those presents are for you, but you will be surprised by what they are," Angela said in an excited voice. That, then, got Junior excited. "I wan open pwesents now!" Junior said out of excitement. Both Angela and Brian laughed to themselves. "You can once the guests arrive, Junior, alright?" Brian asked. Junior just pouted and went on about his business.

About half an hour later, all the guests had arrived. Once they had arrived, they sang Happy Birthday to Junior, who squealed in excitement. After they sang Happy Birthday, they all ate some cake, Junior getting the first big piece, which he made a whole mess of while eating it. "Heh, cute kid you have here, Brian," Max said. Brian just smiled and nudged Max in the side. "You think? I love this boy with all my heart!" Brian exclaimed. He and Angela took pictures of Junior eating the cake that was now smeared all over his face.

After eating cake, Junior was so excited to get to the opening of presents. Once he sat on the floor, Brian sat by him, giving him one present at a time. After getting the first gift, Junior ripped the paper off and giggled at what his toy was, a Superhero Action Figure that he has always wanted. He wanted one made to look just like his daddy, and it did. "Thank you, mommy and daddy!" Junior said, giving his daddy a great big hug and kiss, along with his mommy.

Once finished opening presents, Junior was getting sleepy, so Brian and Angela took him to his room, laid him in bed, and let him fall asleep peacefully after giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Happy birthday, buddy," Brian said with a smile, as he held Angela's hand in his, closing Junior's bedroom door behind them, returning to where the guests were.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Brian called out in a voice loud enough that only the guests could hear while Junior was resting. Everyone turned their attention to Brian and Angela, waiting to hear what Brian had to say.

Brian looked at Angela, a huge grin on his face, then got down on one knee. Angela had tears in her eyes. "Angela, my gorgeous wife, will you marry me?" Brian asked in a seductive voice. Angela cried and said, "Yes, Yes, a million times Yes!" She helped Brian up and kissed him deeply in front of everyone. All the guests applauded softly as they knew Junior was asleep. Brian smiled and held Angela close to him, giving her kisses all over her face. "I'm glad I have you, Angela, because without you, I am nothing," Brian said.  

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