Ra: Amma I know that today is Sunday.....

La: Then what's the problem to stay at home.

Ra: Arey amma i already told u na I had a important work to do

La: Arey this girl na.....who works at Sunday's and that tooo a IAS officer

Ra: Amma you  just now said that i am a IAS officer so I have to work Sunday or even holidays too

La: But nani

Ra: And one more thing if doctor's and police officer's and other officers like me to take a leave. Then This world will stop to working understand that
   saying this she proceeded  to go ffice

La: Ok i understand but atleest eat this breakfast and go maa
Ra: no ma I am getting late i will eat in canteen bye ma bye nana

She kissed her mother cheek and hurriedly went out from house

La: this girl....achha.. Don't forget to eat nani bye.

Ra: ok i won't forget ma

  At Collecter Office

When rajini came out of the car..everyone salute her she smile at them and wished good morning and she had meeting with some officer's so she directly went to meeting room but when she about entered meeting  room one women calls her. she turns and saw few peoples are standing there with light smile on their faces.

people : namaste madam

Ra : namaste Cheppandi how can i help u

One women of them said that they are  from a orphanage and one local goon is troubling them for the orphanage land. they gave complaint against him in local police station but no use because he had big influence. that's why they are here to meet Rajini and complaint against goon. but rajini assistant is not allowed them to meet her.

Listening this rajjni gets angry on her assistant's when the women telling about this to rajini. just then one constable came there. asks them to go from there he didn't saw rajini

Cons: arey what are you doing here i told na i will informed madam you go from here now. today is sunday collecter madam won't come today.

Women: see madam these the same word's we are listening from past 10 days. no one has allowed us to meet you.

One women from them said to rajini

Cons: with whome you're talking

Ra: they are talking with me murthi 

Saying this She came infront of him. he was shocked seeing Rajini there and he can understand that she is in  angry with seriousness in her voice ofcourse he know that rajini didn't like to make them wait who need her help.

Ra: So Mr. Murthi garu is that true what they are saying.

Murthi: ma....madam...mi..ruu  when did  u came madam.

Ra: that's not important tell me this. what they are saying is true?

Murthi: yes madam it's.... it's....  it's  true

Ra:  i already told you if there is an important issue then pls informe me about that but you.... why don't you informe me.

Murthi: sorry mam that....

Ra: what's that..tell me why don't you informe me.

Murthi: that...ve....ventak sir told me that don't inform you because goon gave money to him  that's why.

Venkat is one of her assistant

Ra: what is this murthi you're working for government and people's.  not for that venkat or that goon's are you not ashamed for doing this. Looking at old people you don't worry.

Saying this she calls A.C.P sir and informed about orphanage and the goon troubling issue and asked him immediately solve the problem within one day and A.C.P sir also agreed to solve the problem. After the call.

Ra:  I told about this to A.C.P  sir he will solve your problem till tomorrow. don't worry and if he again trouble you then meet me i will tack care of that and i'm sorry on behalf of my assistant for beeing late. this won't repeat again

  hearing this the orphanage people are very happy they thanked her for solving the problem and left. when the orphanage people went out rajini turns to murthi and said

Ra:  Mr. murthi garu tell this to venkat that he is suspended for 3 months and you're for 1 month.if this is repeat again i will dismiss you.

hearing this murthi got a little heart attack and begged for forgiveness but Rajini won't listen. she goes from there to meeting room.

Meeting went smoothly she gave some instructions to solve some issues and ordered them  not to  do any kideof illegal scams because already they had a bad intention in public if this continue public didn't believe government officer and some local problems are also discussed with them. then she went to meet Cm submit some files.

Hope you like the update. what's you opinion about Rajini is she took a good decision in murthi and venkat matter or bad.

If u find any errors pls don't mind

one more thing

I have surprise for all. In next update

   Dedicating this Meenu_Panda  the first story i read in wattpad Mirchi-after the ending

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