2. They're all the Same

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"Why are you always watching these? They're all the same," Sebastian said walking into the living room of our shared apartment. He had just gotten back from working out and the whole time he was working out I was on this couch drinking hot chocolate and watching Hallmark Channel. Sebastian hates the movies because they're all the same, plus it's only November fourth. 

"Because it's Christmas fourth!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes before bending down and giving me a kiss causing me to scrunch up my nose. Post workout Sebastian is not a pleasant smell at all. It's very yikes! "Go shower," I said to him as he stood back up. 

"It's November fourth! Not Christmas fourth," he said before walking down the hall to our bedroom. As I heard the shower turn on I turned my attention back to the TV, but was interrupted by my phone ringing. I peeked at it and saw it was Mackie so just let it go to voice mail because usually when he calls me it's just to fuck with me a little bit. Instead of taking the hint that I was ignoring him after the fifth time he called me, Anthony just kept calling until I finally answered. 

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed that he had interrupted my Christmas marathon. 

"Have you seen the article?" he rushed out. 

"What article?" I asked.

"Just sent you the link," he said and I put him on speaker while I opened the text from him and clicked the link. Upon opening it I found an article that used a picture of Sebastian and a woman I hadn't seen with him before nor have I ever met her. The article claims that they were on a date and this made my blood boil. 

"You better not be messing with me," I said to him. 

"I might fuck with you a lot, but not over something like this. Don't get me wrong Sebastian is one of my best friends, but I'm not okay with this. I'm not exactly sure what's happening in this picture or the events leading up to it and since I don't and you don't either I say talk to him about it. Get to the bottom of it," and as he was speaking the doorbell rang so I stood up to answer the door. When it opened Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen were standing there each with a magazine and one look at the cover I knew it was the same one that Anthony sent me. 

"Anthony, I have to go. Lizzie and Scar are here," I said hanging up without even waiting on a response from him. I stepped aside to let the girls in and as I stated to close the door I heard the voice of Chris Evans yelling for me to wait. Great the whole MCU is probably aware of my doomed relationship. I don't care if the world knows it, but it's something different when the people you're closest to know about it. It affects the bonds that everyone has. 

"Please don't say it. Don't show me, in fact why are you all here?" I asked as I closed the door behind Chris and turned to face the three in front of me. 

"We weren't sure if you knew yet. We also wanted to make sure you were okay if you did know," Chris said after a while of the three sharing a look. 

"Well as you can see I'm fine. I'm just going to sit here, watch Hallmark Christmas movies about people falling in love, and wonder where I fucked up. And then when my husband walks out of the bathroom I'm going to ask him the same thing. After that I'm going to go home, like home home to Indiana and spend time with my family," I said not even really thinking any of this through before saying it out loud. 

"We're going to Indiana?" I heard Sebastian asked and my head turned to look at him as he stood against the wall. It was clear that he had just showered and put on a different set of clothes. 

"I'm going. You're not. Now if you three will excuse us I have to talk to my husband," I said and they all gave me sympathetic looks before giving Sebastian a slight glare. Once they were out of the apartment I walked past Seb and into our bedroom where I began to pack my bags. 

"Why are you going home? I thought we weren't going until Christmas," he asked coming and sitting down next to my open suitcase. 

"I didn't either, but then my husband was caught with another woman. So, plans change I guess," I stated with a shrug looking him in his eyes before turning to the closet and getting more clothes. There was no sound other than me shuffling through the hangers in my closet. As I continued to shuffle I heard the door to our bedroom slam shut and that's what broke me. The fact that he didn't deny it or try to get me to stay was the worst feeling I've ever felt. So in his absence I finished packing. I then sat down and wrote a note, I know how very fanficish of me, but he needed to know what this did to me. He needed to know how this tore me apart and how it ripped my heart to shreds. He also needed to know that I wouldn't be back until sometime after the new year to give myself time to think about it all. I signed the paper, put it on his pillow, and left the ring on top of it. I got my keys, my purse, my phone, and my suitcase and got in my car to make the eleven hour drive home. I know it would've been less time consuming to fly, but I needed this eleven hours to prepare my sanity in prep for all the questions I'm sure my family will have for me. 

I know running away isn't the best for a relationship, trust me. My mom spent my whole life running away from my dad, but I'm not running away. I'm taking a mental health break especially since I'm carrying precious cargo. Cargo that Sebastian has no idea about, in fact the only other people besides my self to know are Scarlett and Elizabeth because Lizzie found the positive test when we had a girls night two months ago. 

I decided not to tell Sebastian until I made it safely to the three month mark, because in our two years of marriage any pregnancy that I've had has ended in miscarriage and I didn't want to get his hopes up. I couldn't watch him break all over again. 

A/N: Should I do a part 2 or just leave it here? Comment below and tell me what you think!

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