Guardians of Requiem: Dreams of Reality

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  • مهداة إلى Peter, the one who dug me deeper. Shane, the one who believed that there was a w


When I was little

I heard of a story

A prince which saves a princess.

I laughed.

I loved that little story

I thought a prince was looking for me.

Traveling across lands

Trying to find my tower

So I waited

Day after day

months went by

Years passed

And finally 10 years went by

But I still waited for the prince to come.

I waited in my tower for so long for him to come

But............he never came.


We would ride on steeds of metal

down the dirt trails

towards the farm

where we would feed the horses

play with the chickens

and run after deer with a golf ball.

We'd bike all around

and sprint away from the big pitbull

that the little girl set off after us.

And then we'd find ourselves in the field


You ontop of me

Hands lingering

touching everywhere

causing my skin to tingle in delight.

Lips pressed against each other's

Then your's move to my neck

we lay there

in the grass

breaths intertwined.

Movies at night

laying on the couch.

Adventures to the mall

eating Cinnabon and trying on hats.

Then me laying on your lap

your touch warm against my ever cold skin.

Those were the days of light.


This world unknown inside my mind

twists and turns of shadows

My mind asks if it is real

but I never really know

trapped on the other side

though no one else sees

pain passes through me

and before I black out

I fall

and my world turns into a black abyss

And then I wake up

but I don't know if I have really awaken

Or just have fallen asleep again.


Guardians of Requiem: Dreams of Realityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن