Chapter 11: Abigale Harrison

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We break away from the kiss.

"Wow." He whispers.

"Yeah." I nod.

" gonna break up with that Jake guy?" He is still whispering.

"We were never together...but I can't just choose, Frederick." I say. He seems angry, but is trying to mask it with a little smile.

"Why not? Don't you like me?" He asks not even trying to hide his curiosity.

"Yes. Sure, of course I do. But I know Jake more than you. I wouldn't pick you." I say being harshly honest. I read desperation and thought on his face.

"Well then let's get to know each other. My favorite color is blue because it's the color of water. I have two dads, I don't really have my own suit collection. I just said that to impress you. I like the way you look like so tiny when you are around me. I-"

"Frederick. Stop. We can't just exchange things we like, we have to do something."

"Okay." He seems to be thinking. "What should we do?"

"We should go somewhere." I say trying to think of somewhere that wouldn't be weird on a first date...if this way a first date?

"I know! I know what we should do." He says. "Let's go to a race."

"A what? What kind of race?" I ask.

"A swimming race." He says and I'm instantly charged with excitement.

"Take your mark." An announcer says. BEEEP a buzzer goes off and each swimming plunges into the water.

"So...what's the secret behind breastroke?" He asks me.

"Well, you really have to be quick. Your arms have to be at just the right angle so you can get enough momentum to breathe while push yourself forward at the same time." I'm mesmorized by the splashing of water, and I wonder if that is how it looks when I swim. " just knew a random race going on today?"

"Nah. My friend invited me. I wasn't planning on going but what better way to spend a day!" He seems to be equally excited and this makes me feel small and shy. I'm not completely sure why.

"Oh." I answer.

"It's something we have in common." He nudges me and smiles. I smile back.

"Yeah. I've known since I first stepped into a pool that I wanted to be a swimmer." I say.

"Really? It was totally not like that for me." He says. I laugh.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was completely frightened of the water, there was nothing else that I felt so strongly about..."

"That's really funny." I say. "So what changed your mind?"

"My dad." He says. "He seems to have changed my mind about everything." He laughs. 

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said that I needed to suck it up because he has a feeling about it..."

"and he was right!" I end.

"Yeah." He says. "Like usual." He smiles and shakes his head.

"That's way more fun of a story than mine." I admit.

"'s the truth."

"I went through a phase where I thought that a shark was growing in the pool filter, waiting to just burst out and attack. But that's only because of my pesty brother." I roll my eyes.

"Ha!" He claps his hands. "That's almost as bad as the whole 'watermelon growing in your stomach because you ate a seed' story."

"Almost..." I roll my eyes again.

" this a good activity?" He asks me.

"It's perfect..." I say smiling. And then he puts his arm around my neck and pulls me close, and when I rest my head on his shoulder I feel a zap, like it was meant to be. Sure we don't know each other as well as Jake and I, but we do have a history. Isn't that what counts?

I was confused as well as sure, and I know this makes no sense, but I knew that I wanted to be with Frederick. There was a click I never felt with Jake. And I probably would've dated Jake for a long time and then some stupid fight would have broken us up. But Frederick already likes me. Sure, it's lacking spontaneousness... if that is even a word, but it feels right. Plus, I like him too, and I'm starting to like him even more.

"You're perfect." I feel his smile, and I smile too. I smile because I'm comfortable, and when I said I needed a break, this is what I meant. Not a break- a change.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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