chapter 2

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I wake up to movement of my blanket moving, I quickly move to the other side of the bed where the wall meets the bed. My breathing was starting to be heavy, "get away" I said trying to sound confident but failed, the person started to crawl on my bed, "g-get away!" I started to tear up, is this how I die? "Get away please!" My voice broke. I felt a uncovered hand cover my mouth, "sssshhhh, stay quite, we wouldn't want to wake your abusive father up now would we?" His voice was a medium tempo, with a hint of deepness to it, tears started to fall, I didn't want to die like this. I started to push on this person, he grabbed my arm, and froze, he rubbed my arm, and felt them. He uncovered my mouth and felt my other arm, "your just like me but somehow so different." He said. Before I could say anything everything went black.

Jack's POV

I crept through the girls window that I've been stalking for a while, I knew her father abused her a lot when he was drunk, she was pretty, I almost don't want to kill her, but I'm hungry, I can't take it anymore. I slowly started to uncover her, then she moved 'god damn it, you just had to fucking move' I thought angrily, I could hear her breathing getting heavy, she was scared. "Get away" She said trying to sound confident but she failed, I started to climb on her bed "g-get away!" She said again, 'is she trying to wake her father up?' I thought, "please get away!" Hear voice was breaking she was about to cry, I took off my gloves and quickly covered her mouth, "ssshhhh, stay quite, we wouldn't want to wake your abusive father now would we?" I said grinning to myself. I'm so hungry I need her kidneys, my mouth started to water, by just imagining how sweet her kidneys would be. She started pushing on me trying to get me off of her, I grabbed on of her arms, and I felt what I used to do when I was still alive, I may have went to college when I was alive, but I wasn't the happiest. I gotten possessed and then consumed by my own emotions that I couldn't crawl out of. Now I'm here with this girl that is experiencing so much more the abuse. I uncovered her mouth, and grabbed her other arm, the same thing with, "you're just like me, but somehow so different." My hunger was gone I wasn't hungry anymore, I was sad, angry, and guilty for almost killing someone that represents like me, but the only difference here is that she's alive and I'm not. If I take her with me, what would slender, and the others say? She's not a killer, she doesn't eat human organs, nor dead like me, but there is something in her that I can feel, but I don't know what it is. I need to get her out of this place, I don't know what she'll do if I don't, all I could do now is to knock her out, and that's what I did. I knocked her out, picked her up and took her to slender, I don't know what will happen, but I know for sure that she has something in her that just needs to be unlocked I don't know what it is but maybe slender knows.
As I walk closer to the mansion I could see Sally and Ben talking to one another, "hi jack!" Sally said as soon as she saw me, "hey Sally, where's slender?" I said tired for carrying this girl for a good 30 minutes, Sally looked at me and the girl, "he's in his office, and who's this?" She said/asked, I had to think of an excuse, "I found her in the woods passed out, and there's this energy that I can feel through her, so that's why I need slender." I said half lying, and half truthful. I went inside go to Slenders office and tell him what's going on. I knocked on the door, "come in jack" Slender says through the door, I open the door, "slender-" "I know what your going to say, she can't stay here, she's human" I gripped on the girl, "but slender, she has this energy, I don't know what it is but it's something you need to look at" I said, I know that there is something in her. Slender walks and looks at her, "how interesting, she's a wight, but not like Ani, she's much more different." (I'm sorry Ani ;^;) Ani? I wonder if Ani knows anything about this girl? I walk out and see Ani, "hey Ani, I need your help" Ani looks at me and Smiles, "sure jack what is it?" She walks up to me, and I open the door. As we walk in the girl is on the couch still knocked out, I feel bad for knocking her out so hard. "Ok Ani, me and Slender discovered that she's a wight, but we don't know what type." Ani nods and walks up to the girl, she looks at her and her eyes, she gets up and says, "she's a wight, but she's a demon wight" I didn't know what it means, but maybe she knew, "what does that mean?" I asked, "it means that so many people have done her wrong in the past, and by the way her arms look, it seems that her emotions got the better of her, and she was consumed by her own emotions, and in the process of her turning into a wight, she was somehow possessed. But crazy thing is, she's still alive, but half dead. If you get my point." Ani said while putting a finger and tapping it on her chin, " How do we let the wight out?" I asked Ani thought for awhile, "we would have to do is let her what I went through, which is -" Ani explained everything to us and how to do it once we did what we did, this girl would be no longer a human, she would be a wight, just like Ani.

~heyo guys, if anyone is reading this and you know or watch Ani, then don't get offended ok, I do ship Ani and Jack, but I wanted to write a story ok, so no offense, and plus I like Ani XD, ok bye~

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