The day of the pool party

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I woke up and winced at the pain in my leg. I forgot that I hurt it. I quickly grabbed the bottle of pills on my night stand and took a few more. I looked at my phone. It's already 10:30! I got up shook off the covers and got dressed quickly. I threw on some shorts and a random tank top. I sat back down on my bed and looked through my phone. I got a few texts from James saying that he's ready and will be picking me up soon and a few from Jake saying I should of been up by now. He's always very protective. I grabbed my bags and went down stairs and wrapped my leg again with fresh wrap and slipped on my shoes. Right as I sat back down I heard a honk out side and I ran to the window and saw James moms car. I grabbed my bags and ran out side to meet them.  I hopped in the car and smiles big. " I'm so excited! Thanks Mom for taking us!" I call his mom mom cause she's like a second mom to me! She nods and James is in the back seat poking my sides every once and a while causing me to jump and giggle. We got there and we all piled out and ran inside the gate that had a huge water park with places to tan and a volleyball court. There was loud music playing and people running around. As soon as we got through the gates James little brothers went running right for the slides and stuff and me him and his mom picked our chairs and sat our stuff there and laid out to tan. James looked at my leg. " What the hell happened to your leg?" He said inspecting it. " I was walking through the woods by the house and fell off a little drop off. It's honestly probably just sprained." He looked quit concerned but waved it away and laid down by me. A few mins later Jake and Ann came and laid down with us to tan. It was great I mean we got some food and some drinks and just relaxed. We were there for a few hours then Jake said " let's go explore those woods" we looked at it and nodded and got up. I grabbed my bag and told James mom where we were going and she nodded.  We saw there was a little beaten up path through the woods and we took it. We walked for about ten mins before we came to a sign. " Turn back now you've gone too far" read Ann. " Why is this in the middle of no where. Let's check it out" I had a bad feeling about this. "Uhh how about no" I said while turning around. As I did Jake caught me. " I agree let's check it out. I agreed finally and we kept going. Then out of the blue we came up to this town. It looked empty but all the houses looked clean and up kept. It was a small town tho. Only had maybe 15-20 houses. " Hello?" Yelled Ann and I punched her arm. " We don't wanna be seen" right as I finished that a gun shot sounded off and we hit the ground. Then screams came from the houses and people came running with guns at us. We all quickly got up and ran for it. We were running through the woods and then we got stuck between a large cliff and water. " What do we do?!" Yelled Ann as we were trying to see if we can climb the cliff. BAM! Then James went down. JAMES I Yelled holding him and Bam Bam there went the other two and I looked and it was tranquilizer darts and Bam. Complete darkness..

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