Best Friend Questionnaire

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What creepy crawly am I most scared of?

Amelia: Spiders.

Rose: *Shudders* Disgusting things.

If I could go anywhere, where would I go?

Amelia: Trick question. You would go everywhere.

Rose: *Smiles* Why choose?


Am I a cat person or a dog person?

Rose: And you were saying my questions were easy. You have two dogs so obviously a dog person.

Amelia: Don't worry they get harder.

When I order a pizza, what do I get on it?

Rose: A tomato onion phyllo pizza.

Amelia: I'm hungry now, we should get pizza after this.

Rose: We should.

Am I a flip-flop or tennis shoe person?

Rose: You're all about comfort but you're also very trend-driven, so I'm going with tennis shoes.

Amelia: Correct.

When it's snowing, would I choose to go skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or sledding?

Rose: Skiing.

Amelia: I'm so glad you're parents are taken us to a snow lodge for your birthday. It's been a long time since I've been skiing.

Rose: I know I'm excited.

Who was my first?

Rose: Blaec.

Amelia: *Grins* He's not my first everything but I'm so happy he was my first that I couldn't imagine it with anybody else.

Rose: Aww you love him.

Amelia: *Rolls her eyes* Moving on.

Do I go by any nicknames?

Rose: I thought you said this was gonna get harder.

Amelia: Just answer the question.

Rose: We call you Millie sometimes short for Amelia.

What do I look forward to most about Fall?

Rose: Thanksgiving, because you're stepmom makes the best pumpkin pot pie.

Amelia: It's soooo good. For those that don't know what it is it's like a chicken pot pie but instead of meat, roasted pumpkin, carrots, celery, and kale with white kidney beans for proteins.

If we go to a carnival, what ride would I go on over and over again?

Rose: You always make it a point not to eat before we go to the carnival because you know you're gonna go on the wipe-out first.

Amelia: I love it, but I always look good when we go to the carnival, and I don't wanna throw up on myself, so I don't eat until I've ridden all the rides I want.

Rose: *Shakes her head*

At the same carnival, if I won a prize playing a game, do I chose a stuffed animal, a silly hat, or an inflatable guitar?

Rose: You choose a stuffed animal and then you give it to your little sister.

Amelia: Between Maximo and me she has over 40 stuffed animals and 60 percent of them come from the carnival.

What is my favorite 'healthy' food?

Rose: Everything you're vegetarian. *Makes face*

Amelia: Fix your face.

Rose: I don't know how you can not eat meat.

Amelia: I don't know how you can.

Where do you see us in 20 years?

Rose: Did I not tell you were going into the nursing home together. Forget 20 years we're gonna be together for 50, 60...

Amelia: Until death do us part.

Rose: Exactly. Love you, Millie.

Amelia: *Hugs Rose* Love you two Rosie.


A/N: Okay here we go Amelia and Rose's best friend Questionnaire. I hope you guys like it. Should I do a sibling tag for Auggie and Rose? I'm telling you I have a problem, plus it helps me brainstorm.

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