"I told him to stop touching my arm and he got mad" Liam says

"what happen to Anthony?" I ask

"he talk to a teacher then he had to sit on a chair" Liam says

"Liam I'm gonna call your teacher tomorrow but right now I want you to look up and see daddy" I say

He smiles and look over to see Johnnie. Liam runs up to him and gives him a tight hug. "I miss you so much!" Liam says as Johnnie picks him up

"I miss you to Liam" Johnnie kisses Liam's cheek
I see Liam's eyes start to tear "what's wrong?" Johnnie ask

"I just really happy" he says

"aww, he's just like you" Johnnie tells me

I smile. at least he has one of my traits, I think he also has my drawing trait. When I was really young I always drew anima stuff, and he watches Pokemon witch is anima. He always try's to draw the characters from that show

"I want to visit Kate and Cyr and Edwin" Liam says once we make our way inside the house

Me and Johnnie look at each other knowing now can be our chance of being alone "would you want to go visit them with auntie?" I ask

"yea!" he says

We all walk to Angelina's room, I knock and she tells us we can come in "hey Liam wants to go to Kate's place. Would you take him so me and Johnnie can talk and stuff?" I ask

"and stuff" Angelina wiggles hers eyebrows

"yea" I say awkwardly

Angelina gets up and grabs Liam. Me and Johnnie follow them out of hers room "bye Liam" I wave to him as they leave out the front door

"bye" he says as Angelina shuts the door

"we're alone now" Johnnie turns to me. I smile. He comes closer to me, he wraps him arms around my waist and lightly pushes me against the wall and holds my wrist above my head

This better not be a dream but if it is it's a perfect dream so far "am I dreaming?" I ask

"no you are not" he smiles
I giggle as he kisses my jawline "stop laughing blue" he tells me

"it tickles" I giggle

He stops kissing me and looks at me "how does that tickle?" he ask

I shrug "but I would love to make that baby now" I say

He smiles "we can if you really want to?" he ask. I jump up and wrap my legs around him

"I do" I say

He carry's me upstairs into my room, he shuts the door behind him and locks it, he lays me on my bed and he pulls my shirt off. He does a swing whistle and I giggle again "I almost forgot what you look like" he says

He stares at my chest "you can touch" I say

"I will" he kisses the top part of my chest and works his way down

*Angelina's POV*

"Liam your so cute" Kate squishes Liam's cheek

Liam blushes "where's Edwin?" Liam ask

Liam goes to hang out with Edwin "so you didn't get to go to this year Warped Tour either?" I ask

"nope" she says "but Cyr went" she adds


*Dylan's POV*

Me and Johnnie settle down and we're just laying in bed together "hopefully a baby is in there now" Johnnie lays his hand on my belly

"hopefully" I smile
Johnnie kisses my cheek. I'm very nervous for another baby. "I'm to tired to get up" I groan

"aww did I wear you out?" he wraps his arm around me

I giggle "yes but I need to go put all my clothes back on" I say

"keep em off" he says

"your dirty" I giggles
"don't look at me while I get up" I say

"why?" he ask

"because I don't want you to see me naked" I say

"but I was just suc-

"okay!" I say "just don't look at me" I add

"why are you embarrassed again. Before I left for warped you were fine with me but now your shy again. Whys that?" he ask

"I don't know... I guess maybe it was because I was with you everyday and you help me with everything so now since you were gone I got a bit more uncomfortable again" I say

He sighs "I won't look" he gets up himself and gets his clothes
I hurry up and put some on. We get back in the bed together "I'm sorry I wasn't with you" he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him

"no it's perfectly fine. We're together now" I say. It's quiet until I sigh

"what's wrong?" Johnnie ask

"nothing" I lie

"tell me" he says

"I'm not lying" I lie again

"yes you are" he says

"fine. Okay I am" I give up

"I know but why are you upset?" he ask

"Liam got Bullied today at school" I say

"that is upsetting" he says

"I'm gonna call the priceable tomorrow. I do not want Liam to end like me" I say

"I just want to say that you are perfect to me right now" he says

"but no one knows what's gonna come tomorrow or an hour from now. I could be crying cause of someone saying something then the next cutting my arms up" I say

"you haven't cut in maybe a month that's good isn't it?" he ask

"uh, yea" I lie

"blue are you lying to me again?" Johnnie ask

"no" I lie. I'm pretty sure he knows I'm lying

"I'm so stupid. I just saw your body and I guess I wasn't paying attention to new cuts. Dylan show me them" he says

"Johnnie you are not stupid" I say

"can I see them?" he ask again

I sigh "don't yell at me okay?" I ask

"I won't" he says
I sit up and I put up my the pant leg of my sweat pants. The cuts are deeply on my leg, near my ankle "these are deep" he puts his swipes over them with his fingers

"how can you tell?" I ask

"one, you always cut and I figured out how you cut. Two there thicker" he says "why did you do them?" he ask

"I was missing you" I look down

"you could've called me and we could've talked" he says

"you were probably busy" i say

"you could've ask me and told me if what you needed was important, I would've listen to you no matter what" he says

"I'm sorry" I says

He pulls me into a tight hug "I'm not gonna leave you for that long again" he says

"no Johnnie. You should be able to do what you want and have your own fun without keeping a eye on me everyday" I say

"it's fine. I love being with you everyday" he says


Cømpletely Different (Book-2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora