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***This is a first draft. Nothing is final.***

I would appreciate any writing advice you have, if you notice anything peculiar about this chapter. Thank you.

"Hey wait up!" I know they can hear me... They keep walking too fast. "Benjamin! Mom said you had to let me play with you!" "Ben, what is this crap?" One of his friends hisses. "Is she really going to keep following us?" "I don't want to hangout with an eight year old." Another friend sighs. Benjamin looks back at me and his friends take off running as they laugh. Eventually he takes off too. "Benjamin!" I chase after, running as fast as I can, my cheeks and eyes feel numb as I try not to cry but I can't stop it once I lose sight of them. "Mom said you had to play with me." My voice dies off as I hiccup.

As I wander in the direction I saw them last, I try to control my hitching breath. Why can't they just let me play with them? I never get to. After awhile I manage to stop crying for the most part but my nose won't stop running. My legs are burning from how long I've been walking. I just want to sit down. I lean back into a tree and slide down it's trunk until I'm sitting on the ground with my arms around my knees. Sniffling I rub my arm across my face and yell "Benjamin! Where'd you go? I wanna go home!"

I sat here for awhile, looking up at the trees. The leaves look as if they're glowing as the orange sunset engulfed the sky. As the leaves stop glowing I realize it's getting too dark to see. Another moment passes, I hear bushes rustle to my left. "It took you long enough to come back Benjamin." A low deep breath exhales sharply. "Benjamin quit messing with me I'm tired and want to go to bed." I whine. I don't hear anything. What is he doing? As the bushes rustle more I start hearing slow heavy foot steps. They continue to get louder. That doesn't sound like Benjamin. I start to back away from the bushes slowly. My heel catches on something and I hit my head on the ground. I prop myself up on my elbows and pause for a second. The silence is deafening.

I try moving again and my heart nearly jumps out of my chest when a large silhouette emerges from the bushes and releases an enormous roar. When my ears stop ringing from the adrenaline I realize I'm screaming. My shrill voice echoes in the night and I begin trying to crawl away as fast as I can. I stop when a massive wolf jumps from the shadows and crouches over me growling at the silhouette. The figure stands up on it's hind legs and I realize it's a bear. The wolf starts snapping is jaws and barking at the bear.

Terrified I curl in to a ball and cover my ears with my hands. The bear slams it's front paws on the ground, I close my eyes. I want my mommy. I want my mommy. I try to think of being back home in bed but I'm shaking and sobbing. I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I wanna go home. Suddenly I'm being lifted off the ground by the back of my shirt, I open my eyes and the wolf has me. It takes off running away from the bear. My heart drops into my stomach at the speed we are going. In no time at all, we have cleared the forest and burst into a field. The wolf doesn't slow at all. When we make it to the other side I dare to look back and notice the bear is nowhere to be seen.

After what felt like an hour the wolf sets me down. I curl back into ball and cover my head crying. The wolf begins to shift into a human, when she's done a girl with jaw length hair moves towards me. "Hey, it's okay." She coos as she rubs my back. "It's okay." She lays down next to me and pulls me into her nude breasts. I sob into her chest and wrap my arms around her, shaking. "You're going to be alright." Her voice soothes me. "What's your name?" "A--a---ad." I try to say between dry sobs. "Don't worry honey, take your time. My name is Brianna, but most call me Brea." I crack a brief smile. She has a pretty name. As I begin to calm down, it gets harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I nuzzle my face into her neck and yawn. "No, no, no no no. I need you to stay awake. I need to know where you live." She stands up with me in her arms as I pass out.

Light from the crack in a door wakes me. My visions blurry as I rub my hands in the soft sheets of a bed.

"I don't know anything! I just found her in the woods! What did you expect me to do!? I couldn't just leave her!" I hear someone whisper sharply.

"She was on another packs grounds! All they are going to notice is an intruders scent and that one of their pups is missing!"

"She was about to be mauled by a bear!"

"That is not our problem! You need to get rid of her before they track her here!"

"You're a monster if you truly believe that!" I hear footsteps.

The door slightly creaks as the wolf girl slips back into the room. She makes her way over to the bed and I reach out and grab the side of her shorts. "Please don't leave me." I manage to croak out before crying again. "Oh, honey. I'm not going to do that." She scoops me up and slides into the covers with me. "They're just being a big meany. No one is leaving you anywhere." She softly runs her hand through my hair while humming for awhile. "You think you can tell me what pack you're from?" I nod my head into her neck. "Well?" She Pauses. "Day Moon" I whisper. "Alright, I'll take you home in the morning." She kisses the top of my head, I blush and wrap my arms around the back of her neck and yawn. "Go back to sleep now, you've had a long day." She says snuggling into me. She smells really nice. I thought before drifting back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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