The End

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A/N: I had so much fun writing this story, so, if anybody wants to write anything to do with my concept, please do!!!

I only ask that you tag it with #theassassinandherprince so that I can find it. Then, I will make a list in this chapter so that other people can find it too.

I'm sorry that this story didn't include Runaan, but I didn't want to mention anything that hasn't been clarified. Having said that, I think that King Harrow is alive, so once season 2 comes out, I guess this will be an alternate reality. Hope you enjoyed it anyway.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been reading this fan fiction from the start, especially my betas! If you think I'm not completely awful at writing then please follow me, as I have plans for lots of the shows listed on my profile.

x koalala11 x

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