in rachel's skin.

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i had just locked my phone after sending photos of the emails to chloe's number when his voice sounded through the room. but now i was standing stiff, staring at mark who was staring at me, leaning against the door frame and a smirk plastered on his lips,
"i knew you were like her," he laughed softly as he walked towards me, now towering over me, "i just didn't know how much you were like her,"
"w- who?"
"you know who," he laughed with a sick smile, "rachel,"
"she did the exact same thing... manipulate me into fucking her then sneaking off and going through my belongings. i should have learnt the first time that bringing an immature girl into my home would only spell trouble for me," he spoke angrily but his fingers gently caressed my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ears and inhaling deeply. as if i had memorised the screen of my phone i unlocked it with my thumb print and dialled chloe's number, keeping my phone in my pocket with my hands that were sweating. i prayed that she would pick up.
"what was she trying to find?" i choked out, my throat dry and pulse pounding,
"the same thing you were," he laughed softly, "she was very, very upset when she found out that she was your replacement. but, i think you should count your lucky stars, rosemary," his large hand now wrapped around the back of my head as he held my neck up stiffly to look at him, i swallowed dryly, "i think you should be so thankful that your father found out what we had planned with you, and that he whisked you away like a damsel in distress," he spoke with a low laugh, his dark eyes staring deeply into mine, "because otherwise it would have been you that wound up dead. not rachel."

before i could reply my throat closed up as hot tears began to slip down my face quickly and his large arms wrapped around my body tightly and he flipped my body over his shoulder like it was a bag of potatoes.
"no," i breathed, "no, no, no, no," i started to sob as i was hanging upside down over his shoulder, my clenched fists banging against his hard back as he carried me out of the room, ignoring my pleas to be put back down on the ground again. "mark, please! i won't tell anyone just-" i cried as my face heated up from being upside down, "please, put me down," i sobbed softly trying to shuffle my way out of his grip when my phone slipped out from my pocket, landing on the hard flooring with a large clank and the screen lit up, showing chloe's name and an active call. mark continued to walk with me on his body, my throat growing raw as i tried to plead with him. i watched as my phone got left behind as he made his way down into the dark room, the beeping of the safe door ringing as he entered the pin, the fluorescent light flickering on lighting up the room and now i was being seated on the familiar chair that was placed in front of the multiple photography lights that were now burning into my iris'.

through my squinted eyes i tried to get up and run, but mark was quick to push his hand against my chest, forcing me back down onto the chair with a thud. the stinging in my chest from his hand distracted me from the straps being wrapped around my wrists that were attached to the chair. i attempted to beg him not to tie me to the chair, to not make me do this, whatever this was, i didn't want it.
"you know," he spoke with a low chuckle as he stepped back from me, looking up and down my body that was no strapped to the heavy wooden chair, "you and nathan really do look alike," he nodded, "he had the same look in his eyes in his first time too. the fear of the unknown, the fear of the loss of innocence, the fear of me," he spoke, "you'll get over it. he did,"
"what did you do to him?" i spoke through my tears as i watched mark turn his back on me and walk towards his cabinets. i tried to pull my wrists and ankles from the straps but all i got was them tightening around my skin, making me seethe in pain. mark's low laugh echoed throughout the room,
"oh," he turned to face me with a camera in his hand, "i didn't do anything to him. he helped me," he walked towards me slowly, "you know, i've had many helping hands. you think i can just do all this by myself?" he chuckled, "no," mark shook his head softly, "sean handed you to me on a sliver platter. nathan told me things about you that you wouldn't dream of telling me. and your father," he laughed, "your father made you easy to control, he made you weak,"
"stop," i cried lightly, "please stop, please," my chest tightening as the feeling of panic ran through my body as he stepped closer to me. i watched as he crouched down in front of me, his large hand wrapping around my knee, i tried to pull away from him but the strap just tightened once again, ripping the skin around my ankle,
"nathan knew what was going to happen to you," he whispered as he looked up at me, "this whole time, he knew that you were going to end up tied to this chair. he knew that you were going to end up like kate, like rachel," i shook my head quickly,
"no," i whispered, "you used him, he wouldn't want to do this, he's sick! you used him!"
"like i used you," he spoke standing again, his body towering over mine before he reached out to my face and tucked my hair behind my ears, i flinched slightly once his fingers touched my face but my body froze as he looked down at me, "like i used sean prescott, like i used your father. god, the people in this town are so easy! just offer a bit of money and they'll fall at your feet," his fingers left my face but he still stood in front of me, "but you... you're different. i didn't need to give you money to get you here. you needed knowledge. you needed to learn. and, you're a very smart girl, rosie. i'm surprised you didn't figure all this out sooner," he turned around and walked away from me with long strides until he was met with the metal trolley, "i'm surprised you didn't figure out what happened to your mom sooner... you know, how your dad killed her for these rooms?"
"stop it," i choked out as my throat tightened with his words, "stop it, please stop," my voice rang out over the small objects hitting against the surface of the metal trolley as he stood with his back to me,
"i never met her you know. your mom..." he spoke as he turned to me, his hands empty but covered in latex gloves, my mind grew wild with explanations of what he could be doing with those, "but from the way your father spoke about her, you were probably better off without her anyway,"
"shut up!" i spat as my body heated in anger, "she was a good mom before my dad destroyed her. she was a good person,"
"oh, i'm sure she was," he nodded with a fake sympathetic stare, "do you ever wonder why she chose the drugs over you though?"
"she didn't-"
"do you ever think about how much more she loved the drugs than she loved you? i'm sure that's crossed your mind a few times," he spoke before turning around again, my bottom lip started to tremble again, "have you ever thought about how good they must have made her feel? have you ever thought about how they would make you feel?" i choked out a soft sob and held my eyes shut tightly, trying to hold in the emotions that were trying to push through. however when i heard his footsteps coming back towards me, my eyes shot open. i wish they didn't.

i wish i died then.

i wish i didn't have to look at him again.

i wish i died.

please let me die.





let me die n

i want to die.

he held up the syringe as he got closer to me, the liquid squirting out of the top. memories of my mom's bedside table flooded my mind, the first time i had opened it i was searching for a bottle of sunscreen before going to the beach with chloe and rachel. once i saw them i sat on the floor next to the cabinet, shaking, crying. my heart was sore and i didn't know what to do. all of my mom's behaviour had been explained but i was so confused. so fucking confused on why she was choosing those over me.
i squirmed in the chair as my breaths came out faster, the straps tightening around my skin again, pinching it before opening it, blood softly spilling out over my arm.
"no!" i cried, "no, please, no no no no no," i tried to edge away from him but he crouched down in front of me, his eyes dark and hungry.
"hey," he frowned softly before his empty hand reached out to my face, his gloved thumb running across my cheek as he picked up my tears on it, "don't cry," he sighed, "you're so beautiful,"
"you're fucking evil," i spat, before literally spitting on his face, conjuring up the last moisture in my throat that i could and expelling it across his face. his face grew angry as he stared at me through his narrowed eyes, he wiped off my saliva on the back of his glove before using the same hand to slap my face with a lot of force. so much force that my lip split open on my teeth, causing blood to flow into my mouth,
"don't swear!" he yelled, "god! you fucking kids and your fowl mouths it's disgusting!" he stood up and i could almost feel the anger exuding from his body, "where the fuck is the innocence these days? you're all fucking ruined. all of you! including you, bowers." his eyes glared deeply into mine, i felt like i was being stabbed by his anger as he stared at me,
"you know," his voice suddenly softened, "the first day that i saw you, and i mean actually saw you in person, not just in the photos i had seen of you... god, you were an angel," he crouched down in front of me, his touch soft on my thigh as his fingers ran across it gently, like every inch of anger that he was expelling before had suddenly dissolved. "you had your hair pinned up at the sides, it was framing your face perfectly and your cheeks," he sighed with a soft smile, "so youthful, and glowing. you were so soft and quiet and gentle... so perfect. i knew you were perfect then... but then you fucking open your mouth and you speak with such repulsive words it makes me sick!" the tone of his voice changed once again as anger spiked through him again, "i know you are still innocent and perfect somewhere in there and this will only help to bring it out," he spoke with a sick smile as he raised the syringe up to me,
"no," i shook my head quickly as sobs came out of my body again, "no, mark please, i'll do anything, just please, not that, please. mark," i begged him as he stared deeply into my eyes, "please," i sobbed once more before he shook his head,
"i don't want anything else," he said with a shrug, "i just want you to be as perfect as you were the first day that i met you."

i tried to move away from him but the straps around my limbs only tightened once more, i was beginning to loose feeling in my feet and hands but i didn't care. i couldn't care.
not when the tip of a needle was pressed against my neck. i had extended myself as far away from it as i possibly could, there was no where else for me to go and mark was staring deeply at me as he pushed it against my flesh, i stared into his eyes, silently pleading with him as the tip of the needle broke my skin and entered my body. i felt my muscles constrict around the intruding object but they soon fell loose as the cold liquid entered my blood stream, a soft ache echoing throughout my neck as the serum started to spread throughout my body.

first my limbs fell asleep. my heart rate slowed down and my eyes fell heavy.

then i did. for the next two hours i had drifted in an out of consciousness.

where the time went- chloe priceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora